Apr 2

Who is Like Yahweh? Part 1: The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

April 2, 2025 from

4-week class with Jim Leffel

This four week class is part of a three course series in Old Testament theology taught by Jim Leffel. Guided by the insights and discoveries of historians, archaeologists and language experts, we will examine the revelation of Israel’s God in its ancient context, its relevance to the New Testament and for spiritual seekers today. Each week explores central and repeated aspects of the infinite, personal God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, showing His transforming power in the lives of people who knew Him, drawing application to our own life of faith, and wrestling through some difficult questions the Old Testament God presents. There is no prerequisite for this class and your questions are welcome. Weekly assignments integrate course material with each individual’s spiritual development. 

Wednesday Nights, 7 - 9:30pm

April 2 - April 30 (No class April 23)

$40/standard or $12/reduced

Silas Young