2024 General Fund (GF) - Paying for the foundation of the ministry God accomplishes domestically and making possible His kingdom work around-the-world through Dwell.

As of December, 2024

A) Annual Operating Budget (What we have planned to spend for the year)


B) GF Donations Year-to-Date (What has been received from donors so far for year) 


C) GF Receipts Same Time Last Year (Donations thru the same week/day last year) 


Conclusions for General Fund Year-to-Date:  Donations to the General Fund came up short of budget for the year. Some transactions are still "in-flight" from mailed gifts and from financial institutions.  

Debt - We are debt-free! God has provided all of the resources we need for His work and ministry to those in need.

Total Current Debt on All Properties = $-0- 

Missions Giving - The largest part of annual growth in Dwell's Missions work funding happens outside of the General Fund. Check out Dwell's Global Partnerships for more on the church's missions work primarily through indigenous movements around the globe, along with the Humanitarian Aid & Development Fund which focuses resources on the poor and at-risk domestically and internationally.