The Ultimate Win-Win

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:19-26

As Paul awaits the verdict in his trial in Rome, he contemplates the possibilities. He could be acquitted and set free or he could be found guilty and beheaded. He actually is torn between choosing which option he would prefer. He rests in the knowledge that Christ is in control of the outcome. Death would mean he would instantly be in the presence of Jesus. But acquittal would mean more time here for fruitful service.

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:8-18

In Christ Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of our sin. This is an action completed in the past. We are saved from the power of our sin, presently and ongoing. In the future, in heaven, we will be saved from the presence of our sin. If we really understand the tremendous value of the Gospel, we would guard it as a treasure and would not be ashamed of it. Truly know Jesus should remove all shame.

Living a Life without Regrets

James Rochford
Ecclesiastes 12:1-13

As Solomon closes out Ecclesiastes, he recounts the many effects of aging, such as the loss of sight, hearing strength. The greatest effect is the weight of regrets. He exhorts his listeners to not make the same mistake he made. Don't put your faith and efforts into the things of the world. Instead, fear God and keep His commands. All the things you can pursue in this world are meaningless apart from God. Solomon knows this from experience!

Time and Eternity

Scott Risley
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Under the sun, or apart from God, life on this earth is enduring the time between birth and death. What if there was a way to overcome death, to get safely from "now" to "eternity"? The eternal Son of God entered "now" to open a way for us to enter eternity and overcome death. When one takes the first step by getting right with God, one can then live with meaning and purpose because one's actions now have eternal significance. One can now enjoy life and live wisely, knowing there is a God. One can now see life from His eternal perspective and look forward to a wonderful afterlife.

Eternity in Our Hearts

Conrad Hilario
Ecclesiastes 3:1-14

If God does not exist, then life would just be meaningless toil until we die. Youth, beauty, health, all are fleeting. Nothing endures. But God does exist and has planted an awareness of eternity in our hearts. We know we were created for much more. God is real and He does have a plan for your life. This gives real significance and meaning to our lives when we put our faith in Jesus and not in the things of this world.

Time and Eternity

Chris Hearty
Ecclesiastes 3:11-12

In a world without God, King Solomon asserts that time is just a countdown until death. But because God does exist and he has planted eternity in each of our hearts, each one of us will give an account to God for everything we have done. Those who put their trust in Jesus will pass out of judgment and into eternal life with Jesus. That gives meaning and significance to the choices we make now.

How (Not) to Deal with Death

James Rochford
Ecclesiastes 3:1-21

In the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon confronts the fact in the end God will judge every deed. All of man's efforts to wrestle meaning out of life is for nothing if there is no God who holds eternity in His hands. Because God has set eternity in the human heart, Solomon can confidently conclude: Fear God and obey His commands. In God, there is ultimate meaning and significance. Your actions matter into eternity and death cannot rob you of your joy.

What Is Faith?

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The narrative of the woman in the crowd and Jairus and his daughter teaches us what faith is. They both placed their trust in someone to the extent that they acted upon that trust. They each took a risk to reach out to the One who they believed could change hopeless situations. What mattered was not the amount or strength of their faith but the object of their faith, Jesus Christ. His power is absolutely adequate! He can and will set hopeless and broken things right.

What Jesus Accomplished through His Death on the Cross-Pt3

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:15

The third accomplishment of Jesus' death on the cross was it delivered us from Satan's authority. Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities in the spiritual realm and made a public triumph over them at the cross. Although Satan has been dethroned, he has not yet been entirely destroyed. He still has power to do spiritual battle with us, but we know the end of the story. Jesus wins!