Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
Luke 4

Christ encounters Satan in the wilderness, giving insight into aspects of spiritual warfare. Jesus was totally dependent on God when he encountered Satan's accusations, combating them with the Word of God. Satan's temptations often revolve around living for self, but Jesus demonstrated that patiently depending on God through the Holy Spirit produces real satisfaction. Learning to combat Satan's temptations and live for God's purposes is deeply fulfilling.

Mary's Big Decision

Dennis McCallum
Luke 1:26-38

Mary is approached by the angel Gabriel, announcing that she will give birth to Jesus. Mary's response was one of active trust and obedience to God's Will for her life. Mary had the option to resist God's Will, but showed an availability to what God was trying to do in her life. As we make ourselves available to God's Will, we get incredible opportunities to affect the course of eternity for God.

Making the God of the Bible Your Ruler

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 16

How can we know that the Bible is the unique and powerful Word of God? One way is by looking at the testimonies of the figures in the Bible. Psalm 16 details David's reflections over how making God the ruler of his life has changed him, his perceptions of others, and how this decision will continue to impact his future. When we go against the grain and choose to put God first, we can look forward to an amazing and transformational life.

What Is Biblical Faith?

Dennis McCallum
Romans 4

Turning to key figures from the Old Testament who would have been very well known to the Jewish Romans, Paul uses Abraham and David to explain what faith looks like. Faith is not equivalent to works, rituals, or the Law. Instead, it is a willingness to act based on God's truth with complete dependence on Him.

Walking on Water

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:1-3

Jesus called Peter to walk on water towards him amidst a storm. Through Peter's experience we learn a very valuable lesson about walking victoriously in the Christian life. We must keep our eyes focused on Christ and foster an eternal perspective.

The Feeding of the 5000

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 5:20

Jesus calls his disciples to meet the needs of people. The ultimate need of all people is to have their relationship with God reconciled through Christ. Through the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus' interaction with his disciples we see how we too can take part in his ministry. Like the disciples, we need to be available to God and what He is already doing. We also need to be committed to becoming equipped and working alongside others.

The Power of Christ Revealed in Action

Dennis McCallum
1 John 1:8-9

There is a spiritual war in our world between God and His angels, and Satan and his demons. Satan and his demons try to deceive and distract the people of this world, but God is the ultimate spiritual authority in the universe and is greater than his opponent. Jesus had the power to forgive sins, and he demonstrated his spiritual authority as God to the watching world.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 4): Our Motivation for Life

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:5

Jesus called people to trust God with their needs. God has taken care of the birds of the sky, how much more will He take care of his people? This doesn't mean we should be undisciplined with what God has given us, but it does mean that God has put enough on our plate for today and we should take security in the Lord. We are called to be stewards and givers of the things that God has blessed us with.