Leading Home Group Evangelism

Doug Patch
2 Timothy 2:2

In this XSI teaching the teacher explains principles to leading home church evangelism. Evangelism is a lifestyle and not a hobby and it is done by all members. The leaders need to invest in the Christians in order to help them evangelize. It is a priority to win consensus of God's perspective of the mission of the church; to disciple and to reach the lost. This can take time and isn't automatic. God causes the growth and the leaders need to stay engaged in leading their groups through the six principles taught in this teaching.

A Flexible Framework for Personal Discipleship

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Timothy 2:2

Discipleship is a personal, ethical, and strategic relationship where mature members help to lead less mature members to maturity and continue in multiplication of groups. Discipleship focuses on developing four areas: study, counsel, coaching, and prayer. Alternately, shepherding is a more general relationship that can help someone become a worker for God, eventually leading to discipleship if that person does grow spiritually. Both focus on the continual development of Christians.

The Servanthood Perspective

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1-2

Like so many of us, the Colossians were tempted to drift away from the simple message of God's grace. Paul points out that God has appointed everyone in the church to service for God, which includes suffering on behalf of other people for the gospel. Christians have been given the responsibility of telling the lost world about Christ's free gift of salvation and leading them into following Christ with their whole life. This work is empowered by God and has the goal of encouraging, unifying people, and building understanding of Christ and what He has done for us.

Jesus Calls Disciples

Gary DeLashmutt
John 1:35-42

Jesus calls four men to follow him and be his disciples. Four principles of discipleship are discussed: 1) discipleship begins by making an informed decision to receive Jesus as Messiah; 2) discipleship involves living in community with other disciples; 3) discipleship involves embracing Jesus' call to influence others for him; and 4) discipleship means allowing Jesus to continually change our lives. It is important for disciples of Jesus to be continual learners. He can use anyone to impact the world as long as they are willing. Living this way brings much joy and satisfaction.\r\n

Coaching and overseeing Home Group Leaders

John Cleary
Ephesians 2:10

Overseeing any group of leaders for God is an awesome work that should be done in grace and truth. It is important to understand that the role of an overseer includes helping leaders cultivate a healthy home church. Five essential areas of focus to cultivate a healthy home church includes: encouragement in God's faithfulness; helping leaders grow; discipleship; building community; and evangelism.

Passing the Baton

Gary DeLashmutt
Proverbs 27:17

Near the end of his life, Elijah focuses his efforts on discipleship. He spends a great deal of time investing in other people's spiritual development. God calls us to do the same. Discipleship involves helping people fulfill God's purpose for their lives. We must be personal and intentional. Possible reasons why Elijah is taken up to heaven are discussed.\r\n

The Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Serving love has many roles and and benefits. It involves sharing the good news without deception, selfishness, or manipulation. Serving love is not flattery or for profit or glory. It is nurturing and personal. This is where the root of discipleship relationships is found.

Discipling a New Generation (18-25 year olds)

Ryan Lowery
Jess Lowery
2 Timothy 2:2

Ryan and Jessica Lowery, leaders in Xenos' college ministry, discuss what discipleship is and what it looks like specifically with college students. According to Scripture, a disciple follows Christ's teachings, puts Christ first and is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, and bears much fruit. Ryan talks in more detail about what these things look like in the life of college students, and Jessica focuses the discussion on the aspects of teaching and training in discipleship. She also gives practical advice for how to get started in the work of discipleship as well as how to identify appropriate content for those discipleship relationships.

Man to Man: Discipleship Issues for Men

Jeff Gordon
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Outlining 2 Timothy, Jeff points out the importance of discipling individual people but also the struggles that come alongside it. With men especially, the issue of identity and significance play a key role in their ability to grow and walk with God.