Getting Ready to Hear God

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17-20

At this point in their wilderness journey, Moses is instructed to prepare the people to hear Him speak. This story must be interpreted in light of the New Testament. God is still transcendent and powerful. He is also close and gracious. The difference is our relationship is now based on grace and not law.

First in the Kingdom

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 20:20-28

In the world, it is common to fight for the high spot, but Jesus calls his followers to seek to serve instead of seeking status. It's easy to regard Christianity and Christian community as a consumer rather than a contributor, but Jesus does not promise another "self care" approach and is not a "brand" to improve our reputation. As we seek to serve, taking the low spot and working out of a love for Christ, God will open the door to meaningful service and a sense of unique purpose in His kingdom.

Renewing Our Vision

Cindy Botti
Isaiah 55:8-9

Vision, whether in life in general or in parenting in particular, is important because it gives meaning to the mundane. It gives us direction, a destination. It brings our world into focus and gives us purpose. God's vision is that He values our children. They are a gift from Him. Children are also a reward from Him. God's vision is also that He gave us, parents, an important role to teach our children about Him. We can model for them how to be Spiritual Champions. We train them according to their way. We keep God in the picture, i.e. cling to His promises.

Spiritual Guidance in the Home

Jess Lowery
Isaiah 55:8-9

Jessica Lowery shares biblical principles to help you spiritually lead your children, using the example of Samuel and Eli's sons.

Multiplication and Discipleship

James Rochford
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Discipleship is building a friendship centered on God with the goal of getting equipped to reach others with the love of Christ. Both Jesus and Paul commanded and practiced discipleship. God's intention is that every Christian experience discipleship, both as one being discipled and as one who disciples another. It is a meaningful and fulfilling purpose to help others grow in their ability to love God and one another.

Passing On the Message

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Paul encourages Timothy with the message to stay strong in the grace God has given him. Paul entrusted him to pass on the Biblical truths he had learned from Paul with the goal of multiplying Christ-followers. Jesus' plan to multiply disciples by one-on-one mentoring may seem slow at first but multiplication results in much greater numbers over time than simple addition.

Making Disciples

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Making disciples is about making community where good relationships are formed, people know the Word and people are meeting the needs of others. It is where each person is growing in all respects into Him who is the head, that is Jesus Christ. It is sharing truth in the context of a close personal relationship where you model, help, teach and mentor a younger believer.\r\n

Guarding and Sharing the Treasure

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul exhorts Timothy to the treasure which had been entrusted to him. The treasure is the biblical truths Paul has been teaching him. Paul wants him to teach what the Bible teaches and emphasize what it emphasizes. Every believer has also been entrusted with these treasures. Truths like grace need to be guarded. The best way to guard the truth is to entrust it to many others. This is why discipleship is serious business.

The Cost of Discipleship

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 16:13-27

The cost of discipleship is not merely giving up those pre-Christian behaviors that were bad for you. Part of the cost of discipleship is incurring personal cost for the benefit of others. Picking up your cross and following Jesus means sacrificing in order to accomplish God's work, willingly suffering for others. Jesus gave us an example and challenges us to follow Him.