Character and Leadership (Part 2): Maturity

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 3:1-13

Spiritual leadership is desperately needed by the church. Those who desire to become leaders should, over all else, desire to be a faithful representation of Christ. This is only possible through spiritual maturity in areas such as home life, self-control, reputation, and the ability to teach others.

Character and Leadership (Part 1): Ambition

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 3:1-13

Ambition to influence others is a virtue that is promoted in Scripture. Many have observed negative examples of worldly ambition, or even a lack of ambition in the church. But spiritual ambition is a thoughtful passion rooted in vision, expressed in Christ-like serving, and resulting in a rich reward from God.

How to Lead When You Are Young

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 4:11-16

God isn't into the seniority system. He's looking to rescue people and He will work through everyone who is willing, even if they are young. Paul talks to Timothy on the importance of what he does and how it relates to his leadership as a young man. We look at the importance of church commitment and look at the downsides if we lack in this area.

Training for Godliness

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 4:1-10

Paul describes to Timothy what is needed in order to grow with God and train for Godliness. Paul talks about how it is not an easy method but you have to labor and strive for it. Though the work may take diligence, it can be joyful and fulfilling at the same time. God does not want us to live boring, joyless, or ungrateful lives, but this training is something we can do together in the body of Christ.

A Vision for Christian Leadership (Part 2)

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 3:1-11

Paul writes to Timothy on more qualifications of an elder. Some of these characteristics are "to have a sharp mind...and are not given to drunkenness", we look at what the Bible says about alcohol and why this is a qualification for being an elder. There are many areas that God seeks to grow in potential leaders and Paul lists out many of them throughout this chapter.

Gender Roles Within God's Community

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 2:1-15

Many are bothered by passages in the Bible that seem to promote misogyny. When interpreted critically in light of grammar and history, there are numerous problems with this common interpretation of Scripture and many compelling alternatives. Rather than promoting discrimination towards women, Paul in his letter to Timothy is actually stressing the need to fight false teaching.


Ryan Lowery
Jeremiah 29:4-14

Throughout the history of Israel, the nation experienced incredible peaks where they had intimacy with God and incredible lows where they completely lost their faith. Often, we can relate with the despair of the Israelites as they go through a period of suffering. By looking at God's plan in human history, it is apparent that God has an overarching plan that includes both refreshing periods of spiritual highs and difficult periods of spiritual lows. Ultimately, God's most impactful work for his people often comes after years of difficult preparation.

Parents and Children

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

The ethics of the Bible are pertinent to the family. Children are called to obedience and honor towards their parents. Parents are to have the goal of cultivating lifelong followers and servants of Christ. Ultimately, Biblical parenting is immensely beneficial for both children and for parents.

The Sheep are Scattered

Scott Risley
2 Corinthians 7:10-11

Peter and Judas both betrayed Jesus before his death - one by denying that he had ever met Jesus, and the other by turning him over to the murderous authorities. Even though these two men performed the same despicable act, Peter became a leader in the early church and Judas committed suicide. These two outcomes can only be explained by one factor: their response to their failure. Peter chose to repent while Judas chose to stay in his regret, and we as Christians are also faced with the same choice when we make mistakes in our own lives.