Death: The Final Foe

Dennis McCallum
John 11:1-53

Jesus visits Lazarus of Bethany, who is very ill and then dies, causing Jesus sorrow. However, Jesus says that God will be glorified through this instance and raises Lazarus from the dead. Jesus calls himself the resurrection and life, saying that those who believe in him shall live even when they die, alluding to his work on the cross that would defeat death itself and allow for eternal life for those who put their faith in Jesus. Death was never the intention for people, but because of the fall of humanity, death is the final foe Jesus wished to defeat at the cross. We as humans have intrinsic value, high levels of consciousness and a real existence of a soul, reflecting that we were never made to simply die and cease to exist. This teaching includes interviews of people asking them about their thoughts on the afterlife.

The Light of the World

Scott Risley
John 8:12-59

Jesus warns his critics and the crowd that he is the light of the world. He is our greatest need. Without Jesus, we will walk in the darkness which is a life of confusion rather a life of freedom from sin and a life headed to eternity.

Where Is Your Hope?

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

According to the Bible, Satan has a role in hindering our unity and therefore our witness to the watching world. The triumph of God's grace is the basis for which we have hope for all things, including good relationships. The prize of the Christian life is not personal glory, but the joy of ministering to others.

I am the Light of the World

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:17-19

As Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people the Pharisees begin to challenge him. Through this interaction, we are shown the difference between the light (Jesus) and the darkness (life without God). The Pharisees reveal their thinking does not reflect the truth of God. Jesus gives a warning to the crowd that they will die in their sins, apart from God, unless they believe in Him.

Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7:1-52

Jesus and His disciples are traveling through Galilee on the Feast of Booths when his brothers question why he doesn't make his works know to the world. Jesus tells them that his time has not yet come. There were disagreements concerning who Jesus was: 1) a good man; 2) a deceiver; 3) an insane man; or 4) the Messiah. Jesus also distinguishes the difference between seeking glory for self versus seeking the glory of the Father. This question of who Jesus is must be answered by every person, as his claims have huge weight on eternal life.

The Bread of Life

Scott Risley
John 6:14-69

Jesus performs miracles to show God's power and point to deeper spiritual truth. His claim, "I am the bread of life" was misunderstood and didn't meet the expectations of the disciples or the crowd that followed him. The disciples wanted to influence and significance while the crowd wanted their physical needs met. Properly understood, Jesus' message means we will experience hunger until we come to him. He knows our deepest need for spiritual life and can meet it if we choose to believe in him.

The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6:22-69

After feeding the multitude, Jesus approaches the crowds and calls out their attitude for following him to receive temporal blessings. Jesus explains he is worth pursuing because he offers eternal life to those who believe. Jesus then shows how he is the Bread of Life, a metaphor showing the he is the ultimate source of fulfillment in our lives. People need to consider if they will look to Jesus to meet their needs or try and run their lives by themselves. It's important to note that this passage is not describing communion or needing to replace Jesus with human priests, based on the text itself, along with the historical, conceptual and theological context.

Jesus' Hard Teachings

Conrad Hilario
John 6:40

Jesus challenges people who are following Him with some hard teachings. He confronts them for following Him for only what they get out of it. He challenges them not to live for things that will perish, but for things that will last for eternity. He confronts the idea that they can work their way to God and claims He is the only way. Lastly, He tells them they need to believe in Him because He is the bread of life.

Faith, Hope and Love

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Faith, hope, and love are the three New Testament values which demonstrate how what we believe, what we long for, and how we live intersect. All of this is based on the message of the gospel. The natural result of these things for the Thessalonians was to spread this message to others.