I Am the Bread of Life

Jeff Gordon
John 6:30-71

Jesus claims he is the bread of life and whoever believes in him will never hunger or thirst again. He miraculously feeds a crowd of more than five thousand by using his disciples' availability rather than their ability. Though they were tired and challenged by the task, the disciples had twelve baskets of food left over for themselves after distributing food to the crowd. Jesus meets their needs as they follow him. After being challenged to seek eternal life through Jesus rather than seek temporal food for a meal, some people desert him and others follow. What response will you have?

Jesus in Samaria

Jeff Gordon
John 4:1-42

Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at a well. He offers her living water that will forever quench her thirst and reveals to her that he is the Messiah. His compassion, knowledge and patience for this woman leads her to believe in him, as well as many other Samaritans.

Nichodemas & John the Baptist

Jeff Gordon
John 3:1-36

Jesus refers back to an event in the Old Testament when Moses lifted up a snake in the wilderness to be looked upon for personal salvation. Jesus likens himself to the snake, in such a way that he too will be lifted up and looked upon for personal salvation. We need spiritual rebirth which can only come through humble faith in Jesus Christ.

The New Wine

Gary DeLashmutt
John 2:1-11

Jesus performs his first miracle at a wedding in Cana of turning water into wine. This miracle reveals three important aspects of Jesus' character. First, Jesus is life affirming and his existence enables joy in our life. Second, he is a humble servant who uses his authority to serve in a non-boisterous way. Third, he replaces external religion with internal life; this is deliberately symbolized by the way he performs the miracle.

Unveiling God's Rescue

Scott Risley
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter, a man who was transformed by his belief in Christ, writes this letter to believers who were scattered throughout many Roman provinces. Believers, who are chosen by God according to His foreknowledge, have an inheritance waiting for us in heaven. This inheritance provides security for us because it is imperishable, undefiled, won't fade away and reserved for us. We experience security as our faith is tested through suffering. We are filled with gratitude as we focus on our inheritance during times of suffering.

Sermon on the Plain - Part 1

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:12-26

Jesus teaches about four blessings for the poor, hungry, weeping, and ostracized; as well as four corresponding woes for the rich, fed, laughers, and popular. Jesus is teaching a paradigm of reversal: that a disciple who adopts God's values will gain fulfillment, while one who adopts material values will end up with sorrow. Those who sacrifice these selfish values now will receive great joy in heaven.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

Jim Leffel
John 11:1-45

Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were close friends of Jesus. When Lazarus died, Jesus intentionally set up a drama to draw our focus to his central purpose: resolving the problem of death. Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life and the answer for death. We need to get this incredible message out to a dying world.

Resurrected Bodies

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 15:35-58

God is capable of creating and giving people new bodies. In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians we see what these new bodies will be like for those who have put their faith in Christ. We know that our earthly bodies: perish, have dishonor, weaknesses, and are naturally made for this earth. Whereas, heavenly bodies will be: imperishable, radiate God's glory, have power, and will be spiritually capable of living in God's presence.

Jesus' Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:12-13

Jesus' resurrection is a unique claim that comes with evidence. His resurrection is prophesied throughout the Bible as well as backed by hundreds of witnesses. Putting your faith in Christ results in His resurrection saving you from God's condemnation. Instead you gain God's complete forgiveness and a promise of a future of bodily resurrection.