Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:51-53

Paul clarifies his teaching about the afterlife since it seemed like the Thessalonians misunderstood him. He helps them see the reality of eternity and what they can look forward to. With this in view, Paul encourages them to live with purpose in this life rather than wasting time on empty pursuits.

Compassion and Controversy

Jim Leffel
John 5:1-24

John recounts two events in Jesus' life that highlight who he is. In the first event, Jesus interacts with a lame man calling him to believe and then healing him. The second event involves Jesus' public dialogue with the religious leaders about his interaction with the lame man who he healed on the Sabbath. These two events reveal who God really is through the person of Jesus. He is personal and relational. He is with people and has the power to deliver from sin and suffering. To have this in life only requires belief in Jesus and his work on the cross to pay for sin.\r\n

What Does The Future Hold?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

For many people, the thought of death provokes fear, depression, and despair. For people who have started a personal relationship with God though, death leads to an eternity with God in heaven, and as a result life on Earth is no longer relatively or existentially meaningless. Besides the promise of eternal life, God has also given Christians various prophetic signs to indicate that the end of human history is near, and understanding these signs motivates believers to live a sober and committed life for God until that day arrives.

Living Water

Jim Leffel
John 4:40-41

Jesus' love drives him to pass through Samaria to interact with a woman at the well. Through their conversation Jesus offers her living water that will quench her thirst so that she will never thirst again. The living water he offers is the offer of eternal life. God is eager to begin a relationship with every person. This relationship begins when a person makes the decision to receive God's gift of forgiveness and spiritual life. This spiritual life gives true fulfillment.\r\n

A Conversation Under the Cloak of Darkness

Jim Leffel
John 3:1-21

Jesus urges the Pharisee Nicodemus to receive eternal life by being born again. Jesus' message was challenging as Nicodemus was a good man who followed his religious beliefs and was confused about how someone could be born again. Jesus explains that the only solution to the human condition of separation with God is to believe and make the personal decision to receive Jesus' life. No one can be good enough to earn eternal life. Jesus teaches we receive eternal life by believing and receiving God's love and forgiveness. This Good News is for everyone who believes.

Trusting the Lord With All Your Heart

Scott Risley
Psalms 49:4-20

Jesus' first declaration that He is the fulfillment of ancient messianic prophecies and His teaching is followed by miraculous acts of healing and exorcism, challenging the naturalist to consider the existence of the supernatural. Supernatural claims in the Bible are compared to those of other world religions, showing Biblical miracles to be astoundingly unique, indicating that Jesus' miracles are symbolic of his deity. Skeptics are invited to approach God with a desire to be convinced of the supernatural, and with an expectation that the same God who created the universe will answer by bringing the miraculous into their own lives.

Final Thoughts

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:5-8

Paul closes up his letter to Timothy, describing his own perspective on the present, past, and future in order to teach Timothy how to live well. We, like Timothy, should live our lives sacrificially loving others, doing the work of God, and striving to please Him. Paul leaves Timothy with four aspects of a mature servant: be alert, prepare for battle, focus on what matters, and respond to God's leading.

Life Without God

Scott Risley
Romans 1:18-21

The existence of God is evident to all of His creation, although we may actively make the decision to ignore Him. Without God, we have no reference point for morality and seek increasing highs to fill the void. Thankfully, accepting Christ breaks this cycle and gives our lives meaning and fulfillment. Our old selves have died and we are new in Christ Jesus.


Lee Campbell
John 17:1-24

The Father glorifies Jesus by making him king; Jesus glorifies God by giving eternal life. Self-glory blinds us to God's glory, ruins relationships, and steals glory from God. God's glory results in an eternal relationship with God and an eternal relationship with others.