After the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 16:1-8

Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the crux of the Christian faith. There are several compelling reasons to believe in its historical credibility, including: 1) failure to exhume the body; 2) lack of any interest in the burial place of Jesus; 3) reports by woman; 4) the spread of Christianity after the events of the cross; and 5) the willingness of the apostles to go to their death for their faith. Without a physical resurrection of Christ, Christianity ceases to exist and the faith is useless.

Live With the End in Mind

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

The way we view and live our lives as Christians is based on the biblical hope we have from eternal life. Having eternal life as an assurance despite the troubles of this life provides Christians with courage to stand up for what God cares about. We can experience a deep satisfaction in our relationship with God as we learn to please Him in this life, knowing that we will give an account to Him in the next. Setting our minds on eternity gives us wisdom on how to live our present lives as foreigners in Christ.

What does it take to go to heaven?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:13-31

Jesus interacts with a rich young man whose self-righteousness and moral goodness prevent him from seeing his need for Jesus. Jesus' interaction demonstrates the power of affluence and how seeing the need for Jesus is difficult. Instead, Jesus proposes that people become like children, that is: humble, dependent, and willing to trust in Jesus. Those who are humble enough to see their need for Jesus can inherit eternal life, while those who are caught up in wealth and their own righteousness could miss out.

Is This Life All There Is?

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Paul encourages the Thessalonians by reminding them of the hope and confidence they have in life after death. He calls on them to comfort one another with this truth. Believing in life after death has tremendous impact on how we live. Confidence, joy, freedom, and fulfillment are a few results that come from having this hope. This truth challenges us to ask ourselves if we are confident in what happens after death.\r\n

Life, Death and Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:21-30

You can't truly live until you've resolved the question of death. You can try to ignore or distract yourself from thinking about death. When you have resolved the question of death, it produces hope, joy, freedom, and a deep longing for the promised afterlife.

The Epistle of Joy

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:1-8

What is joy and what causes it? Paul speaks to the Philippians while in jail about lasting joy amidst suffering. This joy is different than fleeting happiness. Joy is the handprint of God on your heart. Three main causes of joy he points to are: 1) partnership with other Christians, 2) confidence in the future, and 3) a deep, present connection with God.

Three Events During Jesus' Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
Daniel 12:1-2

Three unique events occurred during Jesus' crucifixion. The first event was darkness falling over the land for three hours during the middle of the day. During this three hours of darkness Jesus was experiencing God's wrath and judgment for humanities sins. The second event that occurred was the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two. This curtain symbolized that God is Holy and we are unable to have access to Him. God tore the Temple curtain in two after Jesus' death because we now can have access to God through Jesus' perfect and final sacrifice. The third event was a powerful earthquake that revealed empty tombs. This event showed that Jesus being God had conquered the power of death for all who put their faith in Him.\r\n

Jesus' Miracles

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 4:23-24

During his public ministry, Jesus performed many miracles. Is there any reason to believe he really performed these miracles? Why did he do them? \r\nWe have good reason to believe they happened, and examining them reveals aspects of God's kingdom.

Walking in Glory

Jim Leffel
Romans 8:29-39

Our identity in Christ guarantees a future glory that allows for us to endure the suffering we encounter. Our future glory allows us to be oriented by our faith in God rather than the fears that we face. We can endure moral failures and triumph in the security of God's love which allows for radical trust in this life.