Time and Eternity

Scott Risley
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Under the sun, or apart from God, life on this earth is enduring the time between birth and death. What if there was a way to overcome death, to get safely from "now" to "eternity"? The eternal Son of God entered "now" to open a way for us to enter eternity and overcome death. When one takes the first step by getting right with God, one can then live with meaning and purpose because one's actions now have eternal significance. One can now enjoy life and live wisely, knowing there is a God. One can now see life from His eternal perspective and look forward to a wonderful afterlife.

Eternity in Our Hearts

Conrad Hilario
Ecclesiastes 3:1-14

If God does not exist, then life would just be meaningless toil until we die. Youth, beauty, health, all are fleeting. Nothing endures. But God does exist and has planted an awareness of eternity in our hearts. We know we were created for much more. God is real and He does have a plan for your life. This gives real significance and meaning to our lives when we put our faith in Jesus and not in the things of this world.

Time and Eternity

Chris Hearty
Ecclesiastes 3:11-12

In a world without God, King Solomon asserts that time is just a countdown until death. But because God does exist and he has planted eternity in each of our hearts, each one of us will give an account to God for everything we have done. Those who put their trust in Jesus will pass out of judgment and into eternal life with Jesus. That gives meaning and significance to the choices we make now.

The Pursuit of Pleasure

Chris Hearty
Ecclesiastes 2:1-26

King Solomon, who had more wealth and possessions than any man who ever lived, did not deny himself anything that would bring him pleasure. Yet, it did not bring him what he was looking for. Instead, he discovered pursuing pleasure only resulted in chasing the wind. Whether he pursued wisdom or folly, the end was the same, futility. But what he did learn was the ability to find enjoyment and joy comes from God. We cannot enjoy the things of this life without God.

What Is Important in the End?

James Rochford
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter warns that the end of all things is near. The unbelieving world lives without hope because they think this world is all there is. Death results in a terrifying oblivion. But believers can live a fruitful, meaningful life her and now because we know that there is a reward waiting for us when we die to this world. We can invest in that which is most important, God and other people, while we are here on earth because we know the glories awaiting us in heaven. We know that what we do here on earth has profound effect for eternity.

Jesus' Invitations:John 6

Gary DeLashmutt
John 6:53-56

In John 6, Jesus challenges His listeners to prioritize spiritual food over temporal, perishable food. Only God's Messiah can provide this spiritual food. The only condition one must fulfill is to believe in God's Messiah, Jesus. Jesus is the sole source of spiritual life for all of humanity. Call out to Him, acknowledge your hunger, and ask Him to satisfy it and He will abundantly.

Messiah's Glorious Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 72

While King Solomon is praying for his own ability to reign properly, he is also alluding to the ultimate reign of Messiah. King Messiah's reign will be marked by God-given moral integrity and wisdom. It will bring unparalleled peace and prosperity. It will be world-wide and everlasting. It will fulfill God's promise to Abraham that all nations will be blessed through him.

Two Ways to Live

Chris Hearty
Philippians 3:17-21

Paul offers that there are two ways to live. One way is the earthly mindset that invests in temporal things that are destined to perish, that is enslaved to desires, and ends in ruin. The other way to live is accept the gift of salvation that is in Jesus. This enables one to have an eternal mindset that leads to investment in things that last forever. The eternal perspective leads to the realization of unparalleled freedom in Christ, no longer to be enslaved to worthless things. This leads to the glory that comes from God who transforms us.

God's Eternal Kingdom Part 2

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 21:9-27

John describes the new city of Jerusalem coming down to earth from heaven. Scholars argue whether his language is literal or figurative. Regardless, there is symbology we can decipher, such as the cube shaped city represents the three types of people who will make up its residents, Old Testament believers, the Apostles and New Testament believers. It will be a place of great wealth and beauty. All ethnic groups will e present with their diverse cultures. God will dwell with His people and His people will reflect His glory. Believers in this life can have a taste of the next life in this life when we reflect His glory, experience His presence and experience the glory of the nations.