God's Eternal Kingdom Part 1

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 21:1-6

God's eternal kingdom will be a physical, material world where we will have transformed physical bodies. It will be relational because God is a community of love relationships. There will be complete healing and wholeness. It will be never-ending where our life before was a brief prelude to our forever life in heaven. We can have complete confidence this will happen because God's record of fulfilling His predictions is flawless. Remarkably, anyone who is thirsty for this eternal life is welcome to receive it for the asking. No money, no good works, no ritual observances, no degree of sinlessness is required to receive water from the spring of life.

Jesus' Millenial Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:1-10

The Millennial Kingdom is the period of time after the church age ends. It is a thousand years of Jesus and his resurrected followers reigning over the mortal survivors of the Tribulation. Satan will be bound during this time. People will live long without illness. After the thousand years, Satan will be released to deceive the nations one final time but he will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever. \r\n\r\nIt will be a period of true social justice and lasting world peace. There will be world-wide spiritual enlightenment and a time of unprecedented celebration and joy. Nature will be substantially restored.

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler

Ben Foust
Mark 10:13-31

When Jesus encounters the rich young ruler, he seems to deal with him differently than the others he has interacted with. Here, he seems to be pointing him back to the Law as the way to inherit eternal life. But in reality, he is pointing out to the young man that he is attempting to keep the law by watering down the requirements of the Law. He thinks he has kept them since his youth but Jesus shows him the Law requires perfection and he does not live up to that standard. Instead, he must receive the kingdom of heaven as a child receives a gift, with no expectation of deserving the gift.

Forward From Here

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:10-16

The afterlife is what makes this life have any sense at all. If you are a billionaire in this life, it only lasts for the blink of an eye in light of eternity. If we understand where we are headed in eternity, it should dramatically influence how we live, the choices we make, the attitudes we adopt. We will accept suffering, forget what lies behind, reach forward to what lies ahead, press on, and have an eternal perspective.

The Righteous Sufferer

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 22:1-31

This Psalm written by David was written hundreds of years before the death of Christ. How then does it perfectly explain the manner in which Jesus was killed? This teaching covers that topic and much more importantly, the purpose of Jesus's death.\r\n

Why I Am Happy to Be With God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 103:1-22

How do we approach an infinite, all-powerful God? This Psalm covers that question and how God values humans and our free choice.\r\n

Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire and facing persecution. He urges them to put their hope in their future eternal inheritance. Christians today should have a mindset of being "resident aliens" on earth, whose true citizenship is in heaven, resulting in a refined faith.

The Woman at the Well

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

Despite many personal, cultural, and religious barriers, Jesus approaches a woman at a well to demonstrate that he is the only one who can quench her spiritual thirst. The Gospel has the same effect today when we turn to God to restore the relationship we were created for and allow Him to meet our deepest needs.

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Gary DeLashmutt
John 4:1-42

The Christian life is described in the Bible as one which requires perseverance in a spiritual war. Gary DeLashmutt examines the connection between the eternal life and the endurance required in the Christian life. By increasingly anticipating life in Heaven with God, the current issues of this life are not eliminated, but put in proper perspective.