
Jim Leffel
Colossians 4:2-:6

Paul urges the Colossians to conduct themselves wisely as they spread God's message. To do this, we need to pray for others and develop genuine friendships with those who are lost. 

What is a Family?

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:18-4:1

As Christians, the family unit can be a vision of God's light and power to the watching world. As Christ followers, we should strive to bring others into our families and use our family to fulfill God's mission. 

Salt and Light

Liz Sweet
Colossians 3:18-4:1

Liz Sweet speaks about the importance of believers to have the characteristics of both salt and light in our current culture. By displaying these characteristics, Christians will stand out and have more open doors to share the gospel. 

Start-Up Groups to Break New Ground

Josh Benadum
Romans 10:14-15

In this session, we will study methods used around the world for starting spiritual discussion groups that have the capacity to become new churches.

God In Ethiopia

Lou Kassa
Romans 10:14-15

God is moving among the people groups of Northern Ethiopia through evangelism, discipleship and house-church planting.  Bethel Church went from 200 to 3,200 people in ten years.

The Lost Art of Inviting

Brad DuFault
Romans 10:14-15

Brad Dufault talks about community, how to practically invite friends out to a bible study, and issues that may pop up in spiritual community that could negatively impact evangelistic efforts. 

Faithfulness or Fruitfulness?

Brian Adams
Romans 10:14-15

In evangelism, is the point to be faithful or fruitful?  Many Christians are pained by a lack of fruit-bearing.  We will explore the tension of waiting on God, with working hard.

Sharing the Gospel with Family

Doug O'Malley
Romans 10:14-15

God loves using people to reach their families.  This session will look at biblical principles and practical ideas for witnessing to non-believing family.


Michael T. Cooper
Romans 10:14-15

The city of Ephesus was the site of the most significant church-planting movement.  What made it the epicenter? How can we replicate this in a world that is so different?  Michael Cooper demonstrates how architecture, archeology and missions intersects in the city of Ephesus.