Darius' Dark Night of the Soul

Jim Leffel
Daniel 5:31-6:27

When Darius involuntarily takes part in a trap to kill Daniel in a lion's den, he feels immense guilty, angry, and provoked at the fact that he had condemned a man with distinguished character. Daniel refused to give up the work of prayer as an act of rebellion, trusting that God is powerful and thanking Him. When Daniel was saved by God, his provocative faith caused Darius to come to terms with God and encouraged the exiles.

Life and Death

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:54-57

Paul explores life and death and how our view of death influences how we live our lives. Jesus has conquered death and provided us a sure afterlife. Video testimony by Wayne Talarzyk included.

Paul on Trial

Dennis McCallum
Acts 23:1-26:32

Over the course of nearly two years, Paul undergoes different trials while in Rome. He encounters the Sanhedrin, the Governor Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa. In each trial, Paul takes the opportunity to share the gospel in his defense. Ultimately, he is set free from jail after two years of frustration and little to no visible fruit borne. However, it looks different today as it stands as a reminder to endure for the sake of the Gospel. The responses from the Sanhedrin, Felix, and Agrippa are very common still today: not considering the truth claims of the gospel, waiting to make a decision until later, or nearly being persuaded but never making a decision.

Living in Exile

Jim Leffel
Daniel 1:1-21

For the Jewish people living in exile, there were challenges to their identity as their lives were controlled by the Babylonians. They chose neither to assimilate to their spiritual hostile culture nor to totally separate from it, but instead to be different in a good way. Modern-day culture is just as spiritually hostile as in the time of Daniel. Believers today should be different in a way that lends credibility to God and His message, without compromising in important areas of morality and truth.

Speaking About Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:2-6

Paul instructs the Colossians on how to effectively tell others about Jesus. His three imperatives include: 1) be prayerful; 2) be wise; and 3) be gracious. When Christians are prayerful, they realize that sharing ones faith begins by talking with God and that He opens up opportunities to speak with others about Jesus. Being wise entails learning to listen and effectively witness in various situations. Lastly, being gracious involves loving speech and communicating respect and acceptance in light of different beliefs and behaviors. Keeping these three things in mind will allow us to effectively communicate about Jesus in an attractive and genuine way with those who don't know God.

How the Gospel Spreads to Others

Tom Dixon
Colossians 4:2-6

Paul gives instructions to the Colossians about how to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The focus of Paul's instruction is that God is the one who opens up opportunities to share the gospel, as evidenced through the New Testament writings. The other focus of Paul is proclaiming the gospel clearly. We can give greater clarity through using God's Word, sharing our personal experience of coming to know Jesus Christ, and practicing with fellow Christians.

The Ephesian Experience

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:23-24

Paul makes his way to the city of Ephesus, spending three years ministering to Jews and Gentiles throughout Asia through house church movements. These movements were relational by nature, and have become the New Testament model for how God would spread His word throughout large areas. This movement stands in contrast to the religious model of worship, where a holy place and a holy person are needed to worship a deity. The local church being outward focused through house church movements was used powerfully by God to spread His message of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. This teaching includes multiple testimonies of people sharing their experience with high-quality fellowship.

Lessons from Corinth

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:1-22

Paul visited the city of Corinth, a massive hub of immorality, occult practices, and materialism. Despite these rampant moral problems, there was a large responsiveness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul's time in Corinth was characterized by equipping spiritual leaders like Priscilla and Aquila, modeling integrity by working for his wages rather than asking for money, and continuing to speak and plant the gospel throughout the known world. The Corinthian church is similar to the world we live in currently, as the empty way of life leads to a receptivity of the better life in Jesus Christ. This teaching includes a short TV clip from a televangelist.

A Servant's Passion

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Paul told Timothy that God gifted him in ministry, likewise he has gifted each of us. God has given us a purpose to go out and share His message of love and salvation to this world, and He wants us to use the gifts He has given us to accomplish this purpose. God has a powerful plan for your life, and if you depend on Him, He can use you to do things that will leave an eternal impact.