Peter and Cornelius

Ben Foust
Acts 9:31-10:48

The gospel takes another leap outward, this time to gentiles, as God miraculously orchestrates a meeting between Peter and a Roman centurion named Cornelius. Through this story, we see that God cares about those who are far off and that he wants to use his followers as his messengers, sometimes requiring us to step out of our comfort zone.

Growing Your Motivation for Evangelism

Scott Risley
Acts 9:31-10:48

Evangelism should not be something that people are motivated to do by fear, pressure or guilt. Scott Risley speaks on how our motivation can grow through 1) examining God's heart for the lost, 2) God's part in ministry, and 3) the fact that it brings great blessing and benefit in our lives. \r\n

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - The Use and Misuse of Presuppositions in Apologetics

Dennis McCallum
Acts 9:31-10:48

There are several main types of apologetics, including classical, evidential and presuppositional. While presuppositional apologetics can be good, there are many bad examples as well. A good example of a presuppositional apologetic would be one in which there is internal consistency, where one matches his or her conclusions with the presupposition, and where one can show inconsistency between non-Christian assumptions and desired conclusions. If this occurs, we can show friends the need for a different starting point, a different underlying and foundational belief. As we examine bad examples alongside the good, we can better use this type of apologetic in our own lives.

And He is Not Silent - The Grace of God Speaking

Chris Deken
Acts 9:31-10:48

Because God has spoken to us through His Word and through His creation, we have the ability to know Him personally. God chooses to communicate with us, giving us both certainty and security. We can respond to God speaking to us by studying His Word and imparting it to others!\r\n

Apologetics in Evangelism

Mateo Williamson
Acts 9:31-10:48

Mateo Williamson delivers an XSI breakout on the importance of using apologetics in evangelism. Understanding the what, why, and how of apologetics leads us to being able to incorporate these things in our lives and ministry. Ultimately - as we learn to listen, ask questions, explain, and share our personal stories we can see the deep impact of apologetics.

21st Century Evangelism (Part 1) - Questions, Problems, and Other Headaches

Randy Newman
Acts 9:31-10:48

Many of us are not naturally skilled at evangelism, but we know that God uses the timid and the shy! The power is in the message, and not our own bravery. Randy Newman breaks down three skills that are essential for the "non-evangelist" trying to reach out. 1) Declaring the gospel, 2) Defending the gospel, and 3) Dialoguing the gospel. Focusing on the latter, Newman examines conversations Jesus had with others as our model for how we can dialogue with those who are seeking answers. \r\n

Trinity Basics for Spiritual Conversations

Dave Schutter
John 3:16

The reality of the Trinity is an important truth both to support our discipleship and our evangelism. As we see Scripture's witness to God as the Trinity, we mature in our faith and grow in our confidence, which in turn helps our evangelistic conversations improve. Through studying the Trinity in Scripture, this doctrinal truth can become a truth that is both relational and relevant for us. This workshop helps us extract key truths about the Trinity from Scripture and consider how to thoughtful converse about this topic with non-Christians.

21st Century Evangelism (Part 3) - Questions, Problems, and Other Headaches

Randy Newman
John 3:16

There are unique challenges when it comes to witnessing to our family members. Randy Newman finishes his 21st Century Evangelism series on this topic, with content from his book "Bringing the Gospel Home". In this session Neman offers three reflections on the difficulties of reaching our families, three reflections from scripture on how good the gospel is, and three lessons on how to witness to our families. \r\n\r\n

21st Century Evangelism (Part 2) - Questions, Problems, and Other Headaches

Randy Newman
John 3:16

While God's power is the driving force in evangelism, personal interaction and conversational skills are extremely important as well. This breakout session is a continuation of the 3 part series by Randy Newman on 21st Century Evangelism. In this session Newman does a Q & A with the audience to answer specific questions about evangelism, and then splits the audience into pairs to practice listening and asking questions through a series of exercises. \r\n