The Full Armor of God (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 6:16-17

The apostle Paul was chained to Roman soldiers when he wrote this letter. He uses their armor to illustrate God's resources for our battle with supernatural evil. This time we discuss the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.

Walking on Water

James Rochford
Mark 6:45-52

In one of Jesus' most famous miracles, we discover insights into the nature and identity of Jesus, as well as what this means for those of us who desire to follow him. He calls us to focus on him and his love and power, and to take steps of faith, knowing that he is with us.

An Ancient Prediction of Jesus of Nazareth

James Rochford
Isaiah 53

Is biblical faith blind? Or are there good reasons for thinking people to consider the claims of Christ? One line of evidence comes from a very ancient prediction in the Hebrew Bible. It details the life, death, and global impact of Jesus of Nazareth. Come explore this powerful prediction with James Rochford as he evaluates the evidence.

Compassion Amidst Crisis

Conrad Hilario
Luke 5:12-15

A recent article highlights the historical tendency of people to exhibit heartless cruelty and self-preservation during epidemics. By contrast, Jesus calls his followers to rise above this self-protectiveness and cruelty found in past pandemics. In a day when most people in America associate Christianity with hypocrisy, corruption, and hatred, maybe believers' selfless response to this epidemic will change people's perception of the church and ultimately Christ.

Be Filled with the Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 5:18-21

The most concise passage in the New Testament on how to be filled with God's Spirit. A helpful and practical look at what it means to: 1) speak God's truth to ourselves; 2) give thanks; and 3) be subject to one another. Habitual submission to the Holy Spirit's control results in progressive health.\r\n

Perseverance in the Face of Trial

Conrad Hilario
Job 1-42

James urges his readers to be patient in the face of suffering, citing Job as an example of someone who persevered and was blessed. Perseverance during trials requires faith that God will never leave us and can bring about good from our circumstances, even though we may never get a reason for our suffering. We can trust that God is at work in ways we cannot see and is always good and faithful.

Mature Faith in Action

Ryan Lowery
James 1:1

The book of James is often misunderstood and many argue that James and Paul contradict one another. However, a close reading of James--one that keeps in mind his audience and cultural context--reveals that James and Paul believe in the same gospel, but are writing to two different groups for very different purposes. From the book of James, we learn what a mature Christian faith looks like in action.

Watch Your Mouth

Chris Hearty
James 3:1-12

In the previous teaching, James taught that our faith is proven to a watching world by our good deeds. In this teaching, James shows that true faith is demonstrated to the world not just in our deeds but also in our words. There needs to be a compatibility between what we say and what we do.

Faith That Works

Scott Risley
James 2:14-26

In this challenging passage, James urges the church to have a faith that is accompanied by good works. Contrary to some interpretations, a close reading of the passage and other related scripture shows that James is not talking about earning salvation through works, but rather that genuine faith should lead to good works so that others may see our faith.