The Patriarchs

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 37:3-45:11

Joseph was a man whose life was characterized by both immense success and intense suffering. Despite the constantly changing circumstances of his life, he maintained his faith in God and adopted a godly perspective on his trials. Joseph's story serves as an example of how God can redeem even the worst circumstances to His glory and our benefit.

The Faith of Moses

Scott Risley
Hebrews 11:23-29

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance of things we cannot see. Moses made a lot of decisions that were seemingly irrational. He rejected Pharaoh's command, he refused Pharaoh's favor, he faced Pharaoh's fury, he kept God's Passover, and he led the people to trust God. Moses made those decisions because his trust was rooted in God, who is bigger than our problems. We too can move forward in faith when our eyes are fixed on God rather than ourselves.

Profiles in Grace (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Luke 7:36-50

Jesus is invited to dinner at the house of Simon the Pharisee. While Jesus is reclining at the table a sinful woman enters the house. She anoints Jesus' feet with oil and wipes them with her hair. Jesus forgives the woman of her sins and instructs Simon on the relationship between forgiveness and love. The woman's response reveals that love is rooted in humility and gratitude which results in peace.\r\n

Abraham's Faith

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 22:1-19

Abraham was an Old Testament figure who demonstrated biblical faith [Hebrews 11.1] throughout his whole life. He was called by God to leave his homeland to go to a distant country, he waited on God to fulfill His promise of a son, and he trusted in God enough to voluntarily sacrifice that same son to Him. Throughout all of these circumstances, Abraham clung to what was unseen, and his perseverance and trust in God influenced the course of human history as a result.

Abraham: Man of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 15:5-6

Hebrews explores the life of Abraham, recognizing the patriarch's example of faith. Abraham responds to God's promise and command by leaving the life where he found God to traverse in the wilderness. Abraham exemplifies a growing belief in the direct promises of the Lord, despite not seeing them fulfilled quickly. Teaching includes a testimonial from Jeff Gordon, recounting his own experience of pursuing a life of faith and how that affected his hopes and dreams.

Abraham's Faith

Scott Risley
Hebrews 11:8-19

God calls Abraham a man of faith. We learn four lessons about faith from Abraham's life and his faith in God: 1) faith leaves home; 2) faith lives as a stranger; 3) faith waits for the promise; and 4) faith holds nothing back from God. We are to ask ourselves what we will do with the blessings God has given us. Are we willing to give God our life, trusting that He is sovereign and good?

The Life of Faith

Mike Sullivan
Galatians 4:21-5:10

The same humble faith that is required for justification (or salvation) is required for sanctification (or spiritual growth). While Christians may be tempted to define themselves by their mistakes, clinging to this view of self is not conducive to spiritual maturity and contrary to God's view. Instead, when God looks at a Christian, He sees someone who: 1) has been redeemed and made righteous; 2) has been adopted as His child into His family; and 3) has His life indwelling within through the Holy Spirit. Just as Abraham had a choice between the free woman and the slave woman, Christians have the choice between depending on God's promise and self-effort for spiritual growth.

The Love Equation

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 3:13-21

Paul stands strong in his faith despite his circumstances. He is imprisoned yet confident that God is powerful and his mission to spread the love of Christ will continue. Paul's focus on eternity and God's promises help him recognize his circumstances are temporary. This challenges us on how we tend to deal with our difficult circumstances. Often we seek sympathy or try to disconnect from our problems rather than focusing on eternity and God's strength.

Profiles in Grace (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Luke 7:1-50

In three events Jesus reveals his identity and mission as the Messiah. He displays his authority in three areas: 1) his authority to heal when he revives a centurion's slave who is near death; 2) his authority over death by bringing widow's dead son back to life; and 3) his authority to forgive when a sinful woman anoints his feet with oil. These miracles serve as a prelude to Christ's ultimate rule and illustrate the compassionate heart of God.