Dealing With Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Christians are called to forbear with one another's faults and to cultivate a positive mindset. For most believers though, negativity is natural and accepted, \r\nbut this casual attitude blinds them to the truth that negativity is self-fulfilling and a serious sign of unbelief. In contrast, believers with positive mindsets focus on what is good and choose to be grateful in the midst of difficult circumstances, and this mindset provides relief from anxiety and self-absorption. A video testimony from Joe Botti is included.

What Does Spiritual Maturity Look Like?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:3

Our culture believes that the path to personal peace is based on our good circumstances and developing an inner sense that nothing is bothering us. The Bible, however, says that personal peace comes from a relationship with God and is the sense of security and purpose that comes from trusting in God's love. This peace is accessible to all believers no matter what their circumstances, and anxious believers can experience it through practicing gratitude.

The Flow of History (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Daniel 8:20-22

Predictive prophecy is God's revelation of His plan for history. This is important for us because God wants us to know what He is doing and has done so that it can be an objective foundation for faith. Biblical prophecy should be interpreted in light of its self-interpretation, its context in the Bible, and by known history. The visions that Daniel receives correspond to a succession of kingdoms in history, and indicate the end of history: that justice and grace will triumph, and that the Son of Man will rule.

Jesus Calms The Storm

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 8:22-25

Jesus taught several lessons when he calmed the storm: 1) following Jesus does not mean immunity from "storms"; 2) "storms" expose our little faith in Jesus; 3) Jesus responds to our little faith in him; and 4) Jesus challenges us to grow stronger in our faith in him. The best ways to grow our faith are to consider God's promises, ponder previous instances of God's faithfulness, and to act in faith during the storms.

Living in Exile

Jim Leffel
Daniel 1:1-21

For the Jewish people living in exile, there were challenges to their identity as their lives were controlled by the Babylonians. They chose neither to assimilate to their spiritual hostile culture nor to totally separate from it, but instead to be different in a good way. Modern-day culture is just as spiritually hostile as in the time of Daniel. Believers today should be different in a way that lends credibility to God and His message, without compromising in important areas of morality and truth.

Daniel Introduction

Jim Leffel
Daniel 1:1-4

The book of Daniel takes place in a unique time of captivity for the Jewish people. Three interwoven questions are answered throughout the book: 1) why are the Jewish people in Babylon?; 2) how do they live in Babylon?; and 3) where does history go from here? The book of Daniel, with its many prophecies, withstands textual criticism by both external sources and internal accuracy. God desires for us to be brought into an authentic faith through books like Daniel.

A Servant's Lord

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Paul urges Timothy to cling to his standing and hope in God to endure the trials of life, and take real lasting meaning. The relationship we have with God offers true meaning and purpose to our lives. We can trust in God because we have seen His power and knowledge in His Word and through how he has provided for us.

How the Gospel Spreads to Others

Tom Dixon
Colossians 4:2-6

Paul gives instructions to the Colossians about how to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The focus of Paul's instruction is that God is the one who opens up opportunities to share the gospel, as evidenced through the New Testament writings. The other focus of Paul is proclaiming the gospel clearly. We can give greater clarity through using God's Word, sharing our personal experience of coming to know Jesus Christ, and practicing with fellow Christians.

The Fiery Furnace

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 3:1-30

King Nebuchadnezzar built a statue and demanded that all bow down in worship to it or be thrown into a fiery furnace. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down. The Lord met them in the furnace and rescued them. This story teaches us to act now when presented with God's truth and to be unapologetic for our faith in God. As we are faithful to Him, the Lord meets us where we are and rescues us.\r\n