Kings and Teens

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 1:1-21

Daniel was among the teenage boys who were taken to Babylon as captives to train in the king's palace. They received education and training and were offered choice food and wine from the king's table. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to eat food that was sacrificed to idols. God honored their loyalty to Him by making them stronger than the other boys and by giving them wisdom and understanding. Two lessons are taught: 1) live in the culture while being aware of where to draw lines. Maintain allegiance to God while being engaged in the culture; 2) parents should be aware of what the culture is teaching kids and model how to honor God as they involved in their kids' lives and activities.\r\n

A Servant's Discipline

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 13:12

Paul says that we are called to train for holiness like an athlete would train - that we would train with an aim or goal in mind. We should discipline ourselves to live a life that shows God's love. This means we need to depend on Him and His truth as we encounter the troubles of life.

The Day of the Lord

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 9:27

An explanation of three events around the end of time on earth: the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the Rapture, with Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Post-Tribulation Rapture scenarios discussed. In response, we are to be on guard, stay alert and protected by the armor of faith and love. Encouragement and building each other up are also vital to our spiritual health.

A Servant's Heart

Jim Leffel
Acts 17:25-26

Paul calls us to pray for other people, this is a major way we can love and serve other people through God's power. While praying for others we can also develop a deeper love and understanding of them as God shares His perspective of them with us. God has done all the work to initiate a relationship with us, and all we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation. As Christians God empowers us to share this incredibly important message.

Paul's First Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1-28

Paul and Barnabas continue to speak out about the message of Jesus Christ, while encountering hostility from Jews in the area. Paul preaches at Lystra, sharing that God has made Himself known through external general revelation. The world around us reflects the presence of an original designer, as God has made Himself, His power, and intellect clear through construction of our present universe and the complexity of life. Internally, God has also provided people with internal general revelation, such as moral choices, freedom, creativity, and love. The internal and external evidence points to God's hand in creating and sustaining everything and His deep care for those to know Him personally through Jesus. This teaching includes an interview on the evidence for intelligent design and a movie clip about molecular design.

A Servant's Fight

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 4:13

Paul calls us to fight the good fight. We are in a spiritual war, and an ideological battle against Satan and his world system. God has given us the truth of His powerful love and offer of salvation. Our fight is to share this message in a corrupt and jaded world.

Grace and Peace

Jeff Gordon
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

An introduction to 1 Thessalonians describing the importance of God's grace and peace. This passage encapsulates Paul's top priorities and he thanks God for their work of faith, labor of love and endurance of hope. Paul assures them that God loves them and has been seeking them; he reminds them that he brought the gospel to them with power, a transformed life and great concern. Will we respond to God's grace and peace and allow Him to transform our lives?

The Power of the Gospel to Spread

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:1-8

The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Colossae, a church he's never met, around 60 AD while imprisoned in Rome. He begins the letter by thanking God for their faith, hope, and love that overflows from the power of the gospel and continues to spread as they understand more and more about it. The gospel refers to the good news that Jesus Christ wants a personal relationship with each person and made it available through his death on the cross. As we deepen in our understanding and appreciation of the gospel, we will begin to see our lives being transformed as well.

Gospel and Waste

Jim Leffel
Mark 14:3-9

When a woman broke a jar of expensive perfume at Jesus' feet, his disciples accused her of being wasteful. Their real issue was that they were embarrassed by her attitude and uncomfortable with her priorities. Many who fail to experience the goodness of a life for God have actually failed to truly prioritize the most important things.