Stages of Spiritual Development

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:14

John highlights the stages of spiritual development for Christians, including: 1) childhood; 2) young adulthood; and 3) mature adulthood. The focus of spiritual development within the childhood phase includes the assurance of God's complete forgiveness and the personal-love relationship we have with Him. As we mature, God wants to remind us of our victory against Satan and regularly exposing us to His Word and learning how to obey it. As we get to adulthood spiritually, God is able to deepen our appreciation of our personal relationship with Him and produce stability and confidence after years of depending on Him. Healthy spiritual development isn't automatic, but occurs within the confines of a healthy community of Christians.

Joy in God's Sovereignty

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:12-20

Paul's imprisonment meant that the legal status of the church was at stake. Aside from the unique role Paul played, he was undergoing enormous personal suffering as well. Here he shares his example of how to respond to suffering with joy. Your perspective of yourself, your purpose, and God drastically alter your ability to recognize the opportunities He provides. Paul's joyful perspective in suffering resulted in: the elite Roman guard being reached with the Gospel; boldness among Roman Christians; and the books of Luke, Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. There is no greater joy than to participate with God in His work.

Affliction and Comfort

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:32

Paul explained that suffering is the occasion for faith and growth. God is with us in our suffering and He can use it for good. God chooses to comfort us in our suffering when we choose to endure it for His sake. When we view suffering in the bigger picture of eternity we are able to put it in a proper perspective and see the overwhelming victory that we have in the Lord.

The Church on the Move: Then & Now

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:2

Dennis gives his testimony in connection to how Xenos began as a housechurch movement. He caught a vision of what church could be like through listening to teachings on Acts 19 and 20 at a campus Bible study. The campus Bible study led Dennis to a seminar by Howard Hendricks who recommended Robert Coleman's" The Master Plan of Evangelism". Hendricks also encouraged Dennis to begin the New Testament church practice of discipleship. Throughout the teaching, Dennis excitedly explains the fruits of discipleship and the homechurch planting movement at Xenos. Vision includes the beginning of a campus ministry, Urban Concern, and development of spheres -all today are staples of Xenos Christian Fellowship.

Saul Pursues David: Waiting Upon the Lord

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 37:1-40

For fifteen years, Saul pursued David throughout the wilderness. David knew he was meant be king, and it would have been easy to take matters into his own hands. He had multiple opportunities to kill Saul and immediately take the throne. Instead, he trusted in God's promise and decided to wait for God and His timing. As followers of God, we too, are often called to wait. It is during these periods of waiting where important internal changes take place.

David & Goliath

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 13:25-14:9

After God rejected Saul as king, He led Samuel to David, an unlikely choice by human standards but a man after God's own heart. David had a rich devotional life, meditating on the Word day and night. Because he was deeply rooted in Scripture, he had a strong willingness to act knowing God would come through for him. When the Philistine army put forth Goliath to fight one of the Israelites, no one would volunteer. David, knowing the battle was God's and trusting that He would rescue him from the hands of Goliath, stepped up and defeated the Philistine champion.


Gary DeLashmutt
Numbers 13:25-14:9

Fear is a universal and inevitable part of the human condition. Letting God teach you how to fight through your fears will lead to freedom from enslavement to fear, increasing confidence that God will be with you no matter what befalls you, and increasing ability to help others trust God with their own fears.

A Matter of Conscience

Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:16-176

The Bible does not address each and every situation in our lives. We can follow the clear principles of right and wrong, but what do we do with the gray areas? We find there is freedom within the bounds of objective morality and we need wisdom in making decisions in these areas. Find out how to think through matters of conscience with the example Paul gives in the book of Romans.\r\n

Christians and Their Neighbors (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 4:2-6

Three ways to reach out with God's message include: 1) prayer; 2) lifestyle; and 3) words. With the focus on prayer Paul instructs Christians to pray in six ways: 1) with watchfulness; 2) with thanksgiving; 3) expressing belief; 4) incorporating intercessory prayer; 5) for open doors; and 6) with power of God. This is a powerful tool when reaching out and should be included in Christians' efforts. Prayer is the power that moves people.