An Open Secret

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:18

This is a time where Paul needed to boast to the Corinthians in order to save them from being swayed by false preachers who boasted of themselves. We learn more about Paul's thorn in the flesh and the origins of it and why God never lifted it from him after he prayed for it to be taken away. There are also ways God uses His sovereignty to permit suffering to teach us that self-sufficiency and self-exaltation will fall flat when we boast in ourselves.

Right and Wrong Boasting

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 64:6

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians to instruct them on right and wrong boasting. There are some things about which God says boasting is forbidden. But there are other things about which it is good and important to boast. It's okay to boast as long as you "boast in the Lord". Have you forsaken all boasting in your own works, and personally put your trust only in Christ's work for you?

Spiritual Weapons for Spiritual Warfare

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:25

Paul says our weapons against spiritual warfare are not humanely-originated, but rather divinely powerful. How do we use these weapons effectively? What does it look like to practice? If we want to be able to "take every thought captive," we will need to practice 3 things: 1) input, which is learning the biblical world-view so we are full of biblical truth; 2) control, which is monitoring our own thought life, such as identifying falsehoods and rejecting and replacing them; and 3) output, which is choosing to act existentially on truth, building our confidence in God's Word.

Jesus Vs. False Religion

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 23:1-28

Dennis McCallum defines false religion as a man-centered twisting of Christianity, in which people care more about looking good in front of other people than what is pleasing to God. God rejects the self-righteousness and hypocrisy involved with false religion and calls us to focus on what matters most to Him: justice, mercy, and faith. McCallum teaches on ways to recognize legalism and offers a healthier alternative to growing spiritually.

3 Aspects of New Life in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

The three aspects are: 1) a new motivation, 2) a new way of evaluating people, and 3) a new purpose for life. God wants to give you a new motivation to change that is based out of love. God sent Christ down as an example of His love that His son would live a perfect life, the one we should have lived, and then willingly be persecuted and die on the cross for us. God has offered us a new way where we can evaluate people on their potential in Christ. No matter how messed up you are there is always redemption in Christ who can free us to change into others-centered people Finally, we have been given a ministry of reconciliation. This is to bring people the Good News of Christ's redemption and to help others understand that there is a need for God's forgiveness because of His just nature.

Walking on Water

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:1-3

Jesus called Peter to walk on water towards him amidst a storm. Through Peter's experience we learn a very valuable lesson about walking victoriously in the Christian life. We must keep our eyes focused on Christ and foster an eternal perspective.

The Kingdom Parables

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 24:44

The parable of the wheat and the tares describes how on Judgment Day, two groups of people will be separated from one another; those who believed in Jesus and will go to heaven to be with God for eternity, and those who did not believe in Jesus and will go to hell to be apart from God for eternity. This parable teaches against the self-ghettoization of Christians and warns against counterfeit Christianity. It, like the other kingdom parables, also describes a kingdom reality that was much different than what the Jews expected. They expected a kingdom of uniformity, but pluralism was God's plan. Similarly, the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast describe a kingdom that would grow gradually from the smallest beginning, rather than the sudden and total takeover expected by the Jews. Each person should be ready for Christ's return; the first and most important step is to accept Jesus' free offer of forgiveness.

Are Miracles Real?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus performed many miracles in his day, often he would heal the sick. Many people doubt the reality of the supernatural, but if you believe that God created the laws of nature then wouldn't He have authority over nature? God has revealed His truth and power through the Bible.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 3): Jesus and the Law

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:19-24

Jesus made it clear to the Pharisees that their interpretation of the Law fell way short of God's. The Law wasn't meant to show people the path to righteousness, but to show people their sin and that they need God's grace. God's Law isn't something we can bend to fit our moral inclinations, but a strong moral law that shows people their moral inadequacy compared to God's perfect moral standard.