Sharing Your Faith with Parents

Liz Sweet
Nina Hoyt
Hebrews 12:1-3

It is because of the great commission that we share the good news of Jesus with our family. Not only does God want to reach our family, but he wants to transform us through the process. It is important to remember God's role as we love our families and pursue the biblical love that God wants to produce in us as we step out in faith. Some practical ways we can be effective in sharing our faith include: praying; practicing gratitude; remembering it's a spiritual battle; listening; learning love languages; initiating spiritual conversation; practicing forgiveness. \r\n

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:21-25

There is a review of the five characteristics of people before the fall (from the previous teaching), followed by an examination of the final two characteristics. Namely, that humans were created shameless and with both unity and diversity. Some current statistics are analyzed about sex and marriage. Lastly, there is a comparison of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.

What Makes a Man?

Joey Francisco
Proverbs 27:17

Our culture tells us men should live on an island, be less emotional, and live their life in pursuit of autonomous comfort. This has created an environment where we see young men seeking fulfillment and purpose from the world's resources that will never satisfy. God has given men resources in His Word that can lead them to leadership, diligent work, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional output. God's resources and provisions will satisfy.

Parenting Teens - Influencing Them for Eternity

Joe Botti
Matthew 25:19-21

The teenage years are when our children are trying to form their own values and worldview. If we want to influence our teens for Christ, we must have a quality relationship with them. In order to foster healthy independence, it is important to set key goals and focus almost completely on them, learning to avoid unnecessary conflicts and adapt our parenting style to help them transition into and through the teenage years.

Serving Christ through Life's Stages and Shifting Priorities

Mary Barnum
Colossians 1:3-12

The key to serving Christ through life's stages it to develop a "gospel-rooted, mission-driven, community-based" lifestyle. This focus will effect how we interact with the core areas of our lives and our faith: evangelism, marriage & family, discipleship, school/work, and Biblical teaching. In this breakout we see how all of these areas are interdependent.

Being a Good Steward of Your Family

Ben Foust
Ephesians 6:1-4

Being good stewards of the families God has entrusted to us requires a humble understanding that God is the ultimate owner and we are caring for people who belong to Him. When we view our spouses and children with a proper eternal perspective, it is clear that they deserve our utmost effort in caring for them. By examining four different kinds of stewardship, we see both the benefit to biblical stewardship and the problems that arise when we are not keeping an eternal perspective in these relationships.

Parenting a Prodigal in Light of Eternity

Jim Fulford
Susan Fulford
2 Corinthians 4:1

Despite teaching children about the Lord and what it looks like to follow him, many parents watch their children turn away from God and pursue the world instead. Parents of a prodigal child are often left sad, confused, and feeling helpless. However, there is a way to persevere through this trial and effectively represent Christ to your prodigal, focusing on God's eternal promises.

The New Self and Marriage

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 5:22-30

This passage speaks to the roles set out by God for a good marriage. Men and women are prescribed different roles according to Paul. This teaching examines those roles, primarily leadership and respect, and what impact those have on the family when played out as God intended.

Sex and Marriage

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 19:4-6

God values marriage and sexuality immensely, and He desires for them to be honored by all. The Biblical view of sex and marriage, however, is incredibly different from the modern perspective in its definition, norms, and preparation for marriage and sex, and yet modern research demonstrates that the Biblical perspective is the only method that brings true fulfillment. Single Christians should seek to develop the skills necessary for a good marriage, and those that are married should work hard to maintain the health of their marriages as well.