Eros and Agape-Based Relationships

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 3:11-4:12

Agape is a Greek word that refers to the unique love of God demonstrated in Christ and practiced by His people. This often runs in contrast to eros, which refers instead to the kind of erotic love so valued by our culture. Under God's paradigm of agape love, sexual ethics exist to protect people from hurting themselves and their families. Brian Gardner spoke about his victory over sex addiction.

Information Technology - Using it, or Being Used by it

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:2

Our culture has become immersed in and obsessed with information technology. As Christians, however, we need to take a stand against the grain of our culture in this area because I.T. over-use inhibits and erodes key elements of both our humanity and spirituality. I.T degrades both our ability to follow sophisticated thought and our value of solitude for biblical meditation. Furthermore, it decreases our ability to appreciate and learn from nature. In contrast to the tide of our culture, we should prioritize face-to-face relating and memorizing scripture. Finally, this workshop provides a constructive response to I.T. over-use.

Parenting Porn Free Kids

Brian Gardner
Romans 12:2

Pornography permeates the internet, whether one is looking for it or not. It's important to know how to have a balanced reaction if one finds their children are engaging in porn, making sure that they feel safe talking to their parents. Learn about how to prepare for, demonstrate against, and prevent pornography in the family life.

Defending God's Design for Sexuality

Bev DeLashmutt
Romans 12:2

Sex is God's design for a relational act of bonding and becoming one flesh within marriage. God meets the Christian's need for union first by uniting them with Himself, and then with other believers. This is where they learn to successfully love on an intimate level.

Balancing Family and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 2:10

Balancing family and community is challenging but possible. The Bible instructs God's followers to be givers and receivers of love. There are so many benefits to our children when we commit to living in community. Looking at schedules and carefully considering what is most important to prioritize will help us succeed. Being creative and allowing for interruptions is also important. Including kids and others to help get odds and ends done incorporates ministry and family life in one. This way of living requires faith in God and an awareness of Satan who wants to sabotage this way of living.\r\n

Patriarchy or Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 3:1-9

Throughout God's Word, God makes it clear that all people have equality and should live a life that is characterized by love for one another. Peter addresses a patriarchal society's view on marriage and instructs husbands and wives specifically within the culture's perspective. God displays high value of women in his Word and He calls for a different approach to marriage. A marriage centered around God will be able to stand out to others. Includes reading from Karen Jobes' book, 1 Peter and personal testimony from Amanda.

Marriage Evangelism

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:1-9

In many different religions and cultures, women are not respected and have no rights. The Bible, however, has a high view of women. Peter is speaking to Christian wives who have non-Christian husbands. He explains how to live as Christians while loving and submitting to their husbands. Peter advises these women to a silent witness in order to win their husbands over by their behavior: respecting their husbands, avoiding casting suspicion, and not focusing on the world's view of beauty. Peter also calls on husbands to honor their wives by being faithful, gentle, and considering their needs.

The Terms of the Covenant Cont.

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 20:12-14

Unlike the first four commandments, the following 10 Commandments now begin to focus on relationships with others. The three addressed in these verses show: the nuclear family is ordained by God, humans are too valuable to murder and adultery is both a damaging and morally wrong act. Through the New Covenant brought by Jesus today we are no longer under law but under grace.

Christian Sexuality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul describes to the Thessalonians ways in which they can live to please God. He begins with instructions about Christian sexuality. These moral guidelines are for Christians. God's design for sexuality is that it is to be enjoyed within the confines of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage and that all other sexual relations outside of this are outside of God's Will. On a positive note, Paul highlights that committing to God's stance on sexuality allows for the maximum amount of real service towards another in marriage and prevents real catastrophic damage that comes when God's way is neglected. What we think and decide to do in the area of sexuality can have a great effect on our personal relationship with Jesus.