Adultery and Pornography, Part 1

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 6:18-19

God intended sex to be enjoyed within the confines of heterosexual marriage. Adultery (extramarital sex) is a powerful temptation and trap, and leads to death and destruction. There are three components essential to avoiding adultery: 1) avoiding temptation; 2) acknowledging what is at risk; and 3) investing deeply in your marital sex life.\r\n

Submitting to One Another

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5:21-33

The Bible, more than any other religious text, promotes equality on all levels. The Bible's example of leadership, through Jesus, is that of servant leadership. Submission in the Biblical context means being willing to be responsive to the ways that the other person is trying to lead and serve you.

Balancing Home Life and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Ephesians 5:21-33

When kids come into the picture, the temptation to decrease our involvement in ministry and fellowship raises immensely. In order to guard our own hearts from falling into this temptation that our culture feeds, we must recognize why we involve ourselves with ministry in the first place. It makes us better parents, it models healthy relating (both to people and to God) to our children, it teaches our kids valuable lessons, and ultimately it is because of the great joy of being made new in Christ! With this understanding, we can equip ourselves with some practical suggestions for how to schedule our lives in such a way that we minister to both our families and to the others God has placed before us.

Parenting Teens, The Relational Approach

Joe Botti
Ephesians 6:4

Parents are ordained by God to play a part in their children's lives, and certainly in their teenage years, kids need help transitioning. Parents have a huge spiritual influence over their kids, and because of this, Christian parents need to tackle some key issues when parenting teens. First, a relational approach is needed in order to maintain positive influence. Second, parents should set some key goals that are centered around the Lord. Parents also should set a plan for how to transition their child from disciplined control to responsible independence. This includes avoiding unnecessary conflicts and choosing to focus on the most important issues.

Ruth: Friendship and Dating God's Way

Ryan Lowery
Ruth 1-3

The book of Ruth tells the story of 3 widows--Naomi and her 2 daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah. While Naomi sees her situation practically, but without God in the picture, Ruth approaches it with trust in God. Ruth and Boaz offer important lessons for men and women on godly dating, protecting others, and trusting in God's provision.

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19:1-6

The biblical ideal for dating relationships is loving the whole person through agape love. Within the context of dating and ultimately marriage, this type of love is deeply sacrificial and exemplified through action over time, as opposed to a primarily feeling-based, temporary taking type of relationship or marriage. Immature relationships produce co-dependent, romanticized, superficial relating that puts self at the center. What God desires is mature, God-centered relationships where we slowly and humbly try to serve another person and identify ways to push them closer to God. If people are trying to find the right person to marry, they should focus on being a godly type of person.

Succeeding in Sex & Marriage

Scott Risley
Matthew 19:3-8

Contrary to what many people might think, God really want you to have a successful marriage and a great sex life! For single people, try to view singleness as a gift from God. Don't take matters into your own hands while you are looking for a God-centered marriage partner. For folks already married, center your family around God and learn to be a love-giver. For everyone else, relationships are best when done God's way. So, start a relationship with Him!

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 6:16-20

Jesus confronts the Pharisees about the issue of divorce. God's design for human sexuality is within the confines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship between man and woman. When the focus of sexuality is servant love, we understand that sex is highly intimate and thus can be highly damaging, so we want to listen to God's perspective on what will be the most fulfilling. The key to success in sexual relationships is that it is centered around God. When centered on God, sexuality is able to be freeing and highly unifying as both parties are secure in their position in Christ and can look to serve one another out from God's love, rather than needlessly taking from one another. This teaching also surveys people's thoughts about living together before marriage.

Spiritually Divided Marriage

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 7:12-16

The Bible says husbands and wives are united in one purpose and should nurture one another spiritually. What does the Bible have to say about a marriage when one spouse is a Christian and the other is not? Paul gives three principles for a spouse in this situation: 1) have influence over the other person by bringing God into the marriage and home; 2) bring peace into the relationship because God calls on us to be peacemakers; and 3) show your spouse who God is and the relationship He wants with them.\r\n