Discipling Children

Jo Rhodes
1 Corinthians 11:1

Parents and adult influencers disciple children by God's grace. Influencing children for Christ has to be in the context of having a relationship with them. Four keys to discipling children include: teaching them Biblical content; modeling Christ to them; helping them develop character; giving them ways to apply Biblical truth to their life.

Balancing Home Life and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
1 Corinthians 11:1

Balancing family and ministry service can be both confusing and difficult. Instead of approaching this conflict of interests sequentially, such as following a concrete plan of first serving your spouse, then kids, then self or others, we can practice more flexibility. There is a deep need to be simultaneously involved in ministry because of its ability to bring friendships, purpose, and a healthy example for children. In attempting to balance these two fields of life, we can look for ways in which they overlap and actually complement each other.

Marriage and Divorce

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:1-9

Whether it's a failed marriage or a failing marriage, times of crises in our marriages reveal spiritual needs. Marital problems have the ability to cut deeper than most anything else and provides direction for pressing on with a focus on grace. Jesus answered the Pharisees' question about the legalities of divorce by addressing the heart of the issue and by stating God's design of marriage. Marriage reflects the image of God in humanity despite the ways our selfishness and culture attempt to twist it into something self-serving.

Conclusions of Unbelief

Jim Leffel
Mark 3:20-35

Throughout Jesus' ministry, Jesus used miracles to demonstrate his mission and authority, and he often used these signs to challenge his audience to decide who he was for themselves. The scribes believed that Jesus did his miracles by Satan's power, an argument that he subsequently dismantled through logic, and Jesus' family believed that Jesus was taking his claims too far. Jesus taught that believers should be committed to their family but that all human commitments are subordinate to God's Will, and these commitments are best practiced in the context of fellowship with other Christians.

Marriage, Sex and Divorce

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 7

Paul called the Corinthians to be content where they are at, whether they are single or married. Paul warns the Corinthians that divorce is damaging, but in really bad circumstances may be the lesser of two evils. It's much better to be married than it is to burn with lust.

Satisfying Sexuality

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5:25

Sex should be reserved for a committed, love-based relationship (marriage). In biblical marriages both spouses draw close to God for their needs, and as they do this they free themselves to give to their spouse. Good sex comes from the love of the whole person (spirit, soul, and body).

Sexuality and Spirituality

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:24

Paul warned the Corinthian Church that sexual sins are sins against their own body. God's plan for sex in the context of a monogamous heterosexual marriage is given to us for our benefit. Sex in the context of a committed marriage is the best sex, and sexual promiscuity leads to an unquenchable sexual appetite.

Spiritually Compromised Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:11-7:2

Paul writes to the Corinthians to resolve alienation between himself and some of the members of the Corinthian church. Paul has affirmed that we are to be in the world as ambassadors for Christ. Now Paul warns against being "of the world". This is best defined as any kind of relationship with someone which involves compromise of our commitment to and witness for Christ. Are you taking a clear stand for Christ verbally and in your actions? Who is influencing whom? \r\n

Marriage and Family in the 90's

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19

Marriage was created by God and made to be God-centered, but our culture has replaced this Biblical model for a self-centered model. It's no surprise that marriages fail when self-gratification becomes the main priority. Furthermore, many have bought into the myth of falling in love: eros love. While eros is good, it is insufficient as a foundation for marriage. Dennis McCallum warns against the devastation of divorce and teaches on what it takes to build a good marriage according to God.