Freedom and Slavery

Gary DeLashmutt

A key contrast throughout scripture is freedom and slavery. The Bible stands against human slavery, while focusing on the real freedom God offers to other forms of slavery, including to the law, sin, and other people's judgments of us. God offers us the chance to become slaves to Christ, serving him from gratitude for what he did on the cross. As we live more and more for Christ, we experience increasing freedom from being enslaved to selfish desires and ways of life.

The Woman Caught in Adultery

Dennis McCallum
John 8

We are all deeply sinful people who do not deserve God's grace. When God chooses to forgive us for our sins, He puts no stipulations on it. God's grace gives us freedom from sin and the motivation to love other people. The grace and forgiveness come first. It is only then that we can have the power to effectively love other people.

Freedom from Slavery: A Lesson from the Life of Saul

Lee Campbell
1 Samuel 9-28

Often, our hiding, manipulation, insecurity, and emotional outbursts are due to fear. The life of Saul, Israel's first king, was characterized by these things, resulting in poor leadership and a sad spiritual life. Because Saul was unable to put his trust in God's faithfulness, he lived his life enslaved to fear. We learn that freedom from enslavement to fear is possible through putting our faith in God and his unlimited power. A testimony from Kim Gulyassy is included.

Love and Freedom

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 10:23-29

Paul called the Corinthians to sacrifice some of their freedoms for the conscience of a younger believer. God's moral imperatives are clear in scripture, but some moral choices seem grey and unclear. We shouldn't draw moral lines that God hasn't drawn himself, but in a spirit of love it is good when we lay down our freedoms for the benefit of another person.

Mental Transformation (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:13-14

God has given us His Word as reliable truth that we can continually turn to. When we act on God's truth and study His Word we begin to grow into mature believers. God's Word feeds us like milk feeds a baby, moving us towards maturity.

Fanning the Flames, The Call

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 12:9

Paul writes to Timothy as his own life is coming to an end. Timothy was a fearful young leader who was facing many obstacles; by human standards, he was hopelessly unfit for this line of work. Every believer in Christ can identify with Timothy in being unable to effectively serve God of their own effort. Christian workers can have confidence despite everything because of what God has given us: power, knowledge of His Will, calling of us into ministry, and His Spirit in us.

The Supremacy of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Luke 8

Jesus' interaction with the demonic gives insight into occult powers. Occult worship is widespread within culture and is demonic by origin. However, Jesus Christ has authority over all demonic spirits and powers. The response to encountering occult and demonic powers is to ask for Jesus Christ to come into your life for spiritual protection, to discern what is from God and what is from other demonic forces, and separating ourselves from the occult.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 4): Our Motivation for Life

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:5

Jesus called people to trust God with their needs. God has taken care of the birds of the sky, how much more will He take care of his people? This doesn't mean we should be undisciplined with what God has given us, but it does mean that God has put enough on our plate for today and we should take security in the Lord. We are called to be stewards and givers of the things that God has blessed us with.

Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:31-34

Jesus started the Sermon on the Mount by explaining what living a joyful and fruitful life looks like. He explained that hiding from pain and suffering is not helpful in finding peace; living a simple and humble life is good; personal relationships are the venue for sharing God's love; and we should be rooted in the truths God has given us. Finally he urges us to trust and follow the Lord.