Jesus Steps Forward to the Cross

Jeff Gordon
Matthew 26:39

Many modern people believe that Jesus was a victim of unfortunate circumstances and that his death was a mistake. John, however, writes that Jesus knew full well that he was about to die and willingly gave himself over to be killed by the authorities of his time. Jesus acted in faith in spite of his fears because he knew who he was and where he was going, and we as Christians can make the same decision when God brings suffering into our lives. Furthermore, Christians can respond positively to God's revelation just like some of the authorities in Jesus's day by not distracting themselves from the truth.

Living Water

Jeff Gordon
John 7:14-44

Jesus teaches at the Festival of Tabernacles where people have different responses to who he claims to be. He claims to be the Son of God and the source of living water. Anyone can have their thirst quenched by believing in him and receiving the Holy Spirit. Those who do this can respond with courage rather than fear because they are motivated out of love and concern for those who have not yet believed.

The Red Sea

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 13-15

After Pharaoh had released the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, God led Moses and the Israelites out into the wilderness where they would witness one of the most powerful demonstrations of His power. The Israelites began to panic when Pharaoh's army trapped them against the shore of the Red Sea, but God parted the sea so the Israelites could walk across unharmed on dry land. This event was clear and powerful evidence of God's faithfulness to His people which enlarged the faith of the Israelite nation for generations to come.

Overcoming Our Fears

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 8:12

When we focus on our fear, the object of our fear begins to grow, and our view of God begins to shrink. When we put our focus on God, He will grow, and our fears will be diminished. Our reverence for God for who He is and His power drives out our fears of the world. We have to practice doing this reactively when situations of fear come up in our life. We must go to scripture to reaffirm in our hearts who God is, His power, and ask for help.

Face Your Fears With Confidence

Jim Leffel
Psalms 27:1-14

This psalm describes the experience of someone who is in the midst of fear. We will learn how to move from fear to confident trust in God by speaking truth to ourselves and expressing our feelings, beliefs and petitions to God. Sean Fitzpatrick shares his experience with trusting God in the midst of fear.

Walking on Water

Scott Risley
Matthew 14:22-33

When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water toward their boat, Peter called out to Jesus, who invited him to come out of the boat and join Him on the water. But Peter took his eyes off Jesus and onto the waves and storm around him and began to sink into the waves. When we have a horizontal focus, we only see the danger but when we have a vertical focus, our problems seem more like challenges. As Peter began to sink, he called out to Jesus who reached out and rescued him. Be like Peter, get out of the boat, focus on Jesus, not the dangers, and call out to Jesus.

God or Money

Scott Risley
Matthew 6:19-34

Living in this modern era it is easy to believe that anxiety about money is normal, but God calls it a sin! Instead, store up treasures in heaven by investing in your own spiritual growth by focusing on following God who loves and cares for you. If your treasure is in God, your heart will follow. You can either live a life filled with anxiety or you can seek first God's Kingdom and enjoy Him for eternity.

Dealing With Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Christians are called to forbear with one another's faults and to cultivate a positive mindset. For most believers though, negativity is natural and accepted, \r\nbut this casual attitude blinds them to the truth that negativity is self-fulfilling and a serious sign of unbelief. In contrast, believers with positive mindsets focus on what is good and choose to be grateful in the midst of difficult circumstances, and this mindset provides relief from anxiety and self-absorption. A video testimony from Joe Botti is included.

What Does Spiritual Maturity Look Like?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:3

Our culture believes that the path to personal peace is based on our good circumstances and developing an inner sense that nothing is bothering us. The Bible, however, says that personal peace comes from a relationship with God and is the sense of security and purpose that comes from trusting in God's love. This peace is accessible to all believers no matter what their circumstances, and anxious believers can experience it through practicing gratitude.