Two Essential Lessons

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 6:2

Jesus washed the disciples' feet, and he tells us how we can wash one another's feet as well. We go through life and bring home with us the dust and grime of living in a spiritually hostile deadening world. This is when we need to go to God to have our feet cleaned and to be refreshed by Him. We are also tasked with doing something like this with each other. Washing each others feet by confessing our sins to one another and praying for one another, and bearing each other's burdens. This is vastly different to our culture's idea of going to church and refreshing each other.

Conflicts in the Church

Jim Leffel
John 17:22-23

Conflict begins to arise within the early church over some significant needs and barriers. Conflict is a barrier to true unity, resulting either in broken relationships or relationships that have grown cold. True community leads to a greater understanding of ourselves and others, as we learn how to stick it out with people even when times get hard. When we learn to have humility and to serve others we see that a true community is made. \r\n

God's Building Project

Scott Risley
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the analogy of a building to explain that a believer is to live in community with other believers. Christ is the cornerstone and believers are living stones that are part of the spiritual house God is building. God says the cornerstone (Christ) is choice and precious: some choose to believe in Him, leading to salvation; for others Christ is a stumbling block and rejecting Him leads to destruction. God wants us to willingly play our part in the spiritual community he is building rather than live autonomous individualistic lives.

Living Stones

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:16

Since Jesus is who we can base everything on as our cornerstone, when you choose to accept Christ, we become part of his spiritual family and are built together. By giving believers the Holy Spirit, God designed for believers to come together and to have purpose. If we decide to abandon our post, the whole community of God suffers. When the community of God comes together, it is able to declare the excellencies of God.

The Church's Greatest Challenge

Jim Leffel
Acts 5:1-11

The church faces it's first major internal threat - hypocrisy. Motivated by a desire for recognition, the believers are tempted to exchange authenticity for a fake and self-serving spirituality. God is deeply offended by hypocrisy in the church because it: 1) is a misrepresentation of who He is; 2) poisons true spiritual community; and 3) results in spiritual compromise. Rather than trying to put on a good front, we should strive to be real and show truth in our actions and not just our words. \r\n\r\n

Awesome Community (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:41-47

The early church is formed with it's foundation as the Holy Spirit, binding the Christians together as a family in Christ. As the Christ-followers drew near to God they also drew near to each other, experiencing "koinonia", or fellowship. There is a distinction here between going TO church and being IN fellowship. In fellowship we experience intimate community, characterized by warmth, acceptance, reliance, trust, generosity, and gratitude. As we consider what God has done in our own lives through fellowship, we can be thankful and press on to continue to serve others in order to deepen that community.

Jesus' Prayer for Unity

Jim Leffel
John 17:1-23

Before Jesus leaves his disciples, he prays for them that they might understand what is involved in real spiritual unity. By comprehending the role of God's truth and His Holy Spirit, we are better able to understand what distinguishes God's and the world's definitions of unity from each other. It is on this foundation that we can begin to build unity between one another, striving to initiate, communicate, and depend on one another as God intended.

3 Priorities That Please God and Fulfill You

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

Paul writes to the Thessalonians on ways in which they can live to please God. Three priorities that please God include: 1) getting immersed in Christian community; 2) cultivating quietness before God and giving attention to family; and 3) being financially self-supportive. When Christians are plugged into communities with a healthy investment on Christ-centered relationships, have regular times spent with God and family, and learn to prioritize God's relational priorities while working hard in the workplace, it leads to a fulfilling life that glorifies God.

Faithfulness in Multiplication Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Faithfulness in multiplication ministry is accomplished through four means: 1) regular strengthening by God's Word; 2) peer friendships; 3) appreciating your ministry role as a privilege of God's grace; 4) build a biblically-informed focus on your eternal destination. These four things need prioritized or they will not happen. Multiplication is difficult work that takes a long time. Cultivating these will ensure faithfulness to God's call in our lives.\r\n