Achieving the Experience of Unity

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The central importance of Christian community is how to achieve and cultivate God-given unity. This is possible for all believers, who have each been indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. Preserving relational unity within Christian community requires humility, love, and forbearance. As we make efforts to grow the unity we have in Christ, God's church is able to flourish in its witness to those who don't know God.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15 we cover five more aspects of ministry that are imperative for a body of Christ to be effective: 1) encourage one another; 2) admonish one another; 3) care for the weak; 4) exercise patience with one another; and 5) continue to show God's grace to each another. A community rich in those traits will thrive: members will grow spiritually and feel an extraordinary sense of belonging; their unity will also be an effective witness of God's love toward non-Christians.

Materialism and Indifference

John Perkins
Isaiah 61

John Perkins teaches on materialism in the context of trying to grow spiritually with too individualistic of a mindset. He expounds on what it means to participate in the love of Christ and how to be transformed into Christ's likeness within the context of fellowship. Citing Isaiah 61, he also imparts wisdom on the importance of intentionally serving the poor in order to reflect the kingdom of God.

Good to Great: Facing and Addressing Problems in the Local Church

Dennis McCallum
Nehemiah 2:15-18

What do you do when your group starts to have problems? What do you do when you realize your group has problems and it has been that way for years? This workshop from the Xenos Summer Institute uses the example of Nehemiah to understand how a leader can address these situations. Find out how to lead a good group into a great one. Topics include: 1) assessing the situation; 2) facing the bad news; 3) leading through discrepancy; and 4) raising tension.\r\n

Home Group Ministry (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:1-2

Part of home church leadership includes cultivating an environment for God's people to spiritually thrive. Leaders must champion God's transformational power in these areas: outreach; community; equipping; biblical depth; corporate prayer; financial stewardship; and missions.

The Dynamics of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10

Serving love creates certain dynamics in the life of the church. Paul demonstrates being caught up in the lives of other people at the deepest level, being focused on giving to the other person. Contrast this to other relational dynamics in the world, such as codependency and tribalism.

The Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Serving love has many roles and and benefits. It involves sharing the good news without deception, selfishness, or manipulation. Serving love is not flattery or for profit or glory. It is nurturing and personal. This is where the root of discipleship relationships is found.

Schemes of the Adversary

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Paul warns to be aware of the schemes of the devil. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in the truth, being confident in God's Word. Believers can put on and trust in a breastplate of righteousness. This righteousness is not of their own, but it comes from the grace that Christ has given them. Believers should also know their mission and understand the urgency of it. They should stand with each other as a wall of defense, and they need to gather up a will to fight. Believers should be calculated in their force, trusting and knowing when to use the power of God's Word.

Living Stones

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:4-9

We are 'living stones', being built into a spiritual dwelling. As a result we have a deep unity as we are connected by our cornerstone, Christ. We should seek to find a real community to commit to and grow in so we can build relationships and become equipped to serve God!