Fervent Love

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4:7-11

Peter writes to the early church, which is feeling pressure from the surrounding culture of the Roman Empire. He urges the believers to prioritize love for one another, a fervent love that is rooted in community, sincere, and gracious. This is an important message for today, a time in which people are less connected and more lonely than ever and longing for this kind of community.

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the metaphor of the temple to describe the proper functioning of the church. The stones represent individual believers, each with their own role, but also working together toward the purpose of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ to the world. The cornerstone is Christ, whom the whole building is built around, but who is also a stumbling block for those who disbelieve.\r\n

Sacrificing our Freedoms

James Rochford
Romans 14:1-15:1

Paul explains that we have a great deal of freedom in Christ, within the bounds of God's moral absolutes, though occasionally, a person may choose to restrict their freedom over matters of conscience. Even if we feel liberty to exercise our freedom in a certain area, we should restrict ourselves out of love if our actions would negatively impact someone else.

Biblical Love

James Rochford
Romans 13:8-10

Paul writes that the summation of the Old Testament law is to "love your neighbor as yourself." In order to live out this biblical command we must understand what biblical love is, why we should practice it, and how. Although counter-intuitive, both the Bible and secular researchers claim that a life of sacrificially serving others is the key to fulfillment.

Love in Action

Conrad Hilario
Romans 12:9-21

Paul uses a human body as a metaphor for the interrelated and intimate community God intends for Christians to share. Within this community, we are called to actively love others by being sincere and devoted to one another, honoring others above ourselves, and showing hospitality.

Jesus' Community

Dennis McCallum
Romans 12:5-21

What does it mean to be part of a community? Is there something more than just spending time together? This teaching looks at what community means in a biblical sense.

Serving in the Body of Christ

James Rochford
Romans 12:6-21

Paul describes God's intention for fellowship within the Body of Christ: a close-knit group of believers sharing in each other's lives as each one exercises his God-given spiritual gifts. When Christians live this way through the power of the Holy Spirit, it creates a type of community not found elsewhere.\r\n

Members of One Another

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:13

What is the church? Is it a building we attend or is it something more? This teaching answers those questions and also explains how we are connected to each other and all play a role in God's church.

The Body of Christ

James Rochford
Romans 12:3-5

Paul describes the church as a body, made of up many parts, all of which are vital and have a specific purpose. As God's design, Christian community is essential for spiritual growth and is, in fact, an antidote for the loneliness epidemic plaguing so many people today.