Do You Love Me?

Chris Risley
John 21:1-22

In the fourth Gospel, John reveals how graciously Jesus restored Peter after he denied Jesus three times in one night.  Since we also will inevitably fail, we can be encouraged knowing we, too, can receive forgiveness and restoration.

Reaching the Rejects

Doug O'Malley
Luke 5:12-32

Jesus came not to call the righteous but the sinners who knew they needed a savior.  Luke gives three types of rejected sinners that Jesus came to save: the leper, the paralytic, and the hopeless sinner.

Two Failures, Two Paths

Brian Adams
John 18:1-26

Judas and Peter both failed Jesus in a big way, but their lives went different ways after they failed. This teaching explores why some people grow from their failures while others don't.

The Final Night: Betrayed, Disowned, and Alone

Scott Risley
John 18:1-27

Both Judas and Peter betrayed Jesus, both were sorry.  Judas felt worldly sorrow that resulted in death but Peter felt godly sorrow leading to forgiveness and life.


Ben Foust
Psalms 51:1-19

Psalm 51 shows us that no matter how far we stray from God, we can turn to Him in repentance and be forgiven. This is possible because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. 

King David's Downfall

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 11-12

David learns that if temptations are not dealt with immediately, the desires they stimulate give birth to sinful actions. When he hid his sin, he was miserable, but when he turned back to God, he received grace and mercy. There still were severe consequences but also new birth, a son, Solomon.

Fall & Restoration of David

James Rochford
2 Samuel 11-12

In this chapter of King David's life, we see he has lost his focus on God and fallen into lust and laziness. He missed every escape opportunity. When confronted by Nathan the Prophet, he repents and admits his sin is against God first and foremost. He does not blame-shift or minimize, but instead he is honest and accepts responsibility and the consequences of his actions.

Two Lost Sons

Patrice McCormac
Luke 15:11-132

The parable of the prodigal son is really about the extravagant love of the father. Jesus is reproaching the self-righteous Pharisees for thinking their moral righteousness is what gets them right with God instead of the humble repentance eventually displayed by the younger son

What Is God Like?

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15

Because Jesus' critics do not understand what God is like, He gives them three parables to challenge their wrong understanding. In the first two, He recounts the joy one feels when something valuable is lost and then found. The third is the parable of the prodigal son, which actually is about the grace and mercy the father has for not only his reprobate son who, after squandering his inheritance, returns repentant, but also for the ungrateful son who remained behind.