What an Amazing God

Jim Leffel
Isaiah 43:4

What is our view of God? What is going on in our relationship with Him? It's easy for us to get distracted and lose focus of how loved and honored we are in God's sight. God has made Himself totally approachable and has done everything and given everything to move towards us who know Him and towards those who don't know Him. \r\n

The Story of Joseph

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 39:1-45:11

Though Joseph was was a man of faith, his life was filled with confusion and pain. Often in the midst of suffering and trials it is difficult to see how God is working. Ultimately, God used Joseph's faithful suffering in order to bring about incredible good for him and his family. God also has a purpose for our lives, but in order to see this purpose realized we must be willing to trust Him through any circumstance.\r\n\r\n

Responding to God's Moral Correction

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 32:1-9

Our natural way to address our sin is to deny its sinfulness in many different ways and to hide from it. But God is calling us to come to Him and address the sin in confession, repentance, and ask for His great compassion to blot out our transgressions. The church is for people who know they are sinners not for those who think they have no sin to confess.

Jesus' Shepherd Heart

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 18:1-35

Jesus explains the humility needed to enter into the Kingdom of God. He expresses the severity that will fall on those who try to stumble others from entering the Kingdom. We see that Jesus is protective of his flock, as he addresses the practice of church discipline, which ultimately reflects God's love and care. Jesus also shares his forgiving nature as he teaches on the priority of forgiving others while talking with Peter. If we are trying to become more like Jesus, we must prioritize his heart of compassion, forgiveness, and humility. All three of these characteristics were personified with his work on the cross so that people could have a personal relationship with God.

Jesus Establishes His Authority

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 8:18-9:8

Through three separate eye-witness accounts, Jesus demonstrates his authority. He demonstrates his authority in four separate ways: 1)his power over prejudice; 2) his power over nature; 3) his power over Satan and the demons; and 4) his power over sin. In particular, Jesus gives special attention to his authority to forgive sins. Since Jesus was able to forgive the man's sins, he is also able to forgive ours as well. The way to get real forgiveness and restore a relationship with God is through Jesus Christ.

Judging, Reconciliation and Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 7:1-12

Still dealing with the self-righteous Pharisees, Jesus continues to teach on how our interpersonal relationships should look. He says that we should avoid the self-righteous judgment of the Pharisees, who's ultimate judgment is coming. In addition, Jesus tells his audience to perceive a humble view of self in light of seeing sin in others lives, as well as learning boundaries within relationships and extending forgiveness to others. Lastly, Jesus gives insight into seeking after God through prayer and that our lifestyle should be characterized by a commitment to others.

Dealing With Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Christians are called to forbear with one another's faults and to cultivate a positive mindset. For most believers though, negativity is natural and accepted, \r\nbut this casual attitude blinds them to the truth that negativity is self-fulfilling and a serious sign of unbelief. In contrast, believers with positive mindsets focus on what is good and choose to be grateful in the midst of difficult circumstances, and this mindset provides relief from anxiety and self-absorption. A video testimony from Joe Botti is included.

The What of the Gospel (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:13-14

Paul re-directs the Colossians focus to the Gospel, the message of Jesus' forgiveness and what he did for all people on the cross. The reason all people need Jesus' forgiveness is due to our objective moral debt before God, which makes all of us spiritually dead before Him. In spite of this, God provided Jesus Christ to pay for our debt so that we could enter into a free relationship with Him. Because Jesus Christ was God-incarnate, his payment on the cross has infinite value and covers all of our wrongdoings. Applying God's forgiveness allows Christians to have a cleansed conscience to love and serve others because of God's approval of us.

The Gospel, the Cup and the Ransom

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:32-45

Many feel uncomfortable about the fact that God's forgiveness requires a sacrifice. The Bible presents the reality that forgiveness always requires a volitional choice for innocents to die in the place of the guilty. Ultimately, God's love and justice meet at the cross.