The Woman Caught in Adultery

Dennis McCallum
John 8

We are all deeply sinful people who do not deserve God's grace. When God chooses to forgive us for our sins, He puts no stipulations on it. God's grace gives us freedom from sin and the motivation to love other people. The grace and forgiveness come first. It is only then that we can have the power to effectively love other people.

The Crucifixion

Chris Lang
John 19:31-33

Throughout the Bible we see that Jesus going to the cross was God's ultimate plan for salvation. In the details of Jesus' crucifixion we see the lengths that God went to, to forgive humanity's sin. Jesus experienced scourging, mocking, humiliation, and ultimately death on a cross. Through His death God demonstrated His perfect love and forgiveness.

Working Out What God Has Put In

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:31

Paul calls us to work out our salvation, in other words, living out our salvation. We are called to forgive one another and move towards one another in love. We have been forgiven so much, so we should be free to forgive others.

The Emptying of Jesus

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 2:17-18

Christ emptied himself of his godly abilities in order to become a human and pay for humanities sins. Jesus depended on God in order to perform the miracles and work he did here on Earth. Christ humbled himself in order to save humanity.

Sabbatical Controversies

Jim Leffel
Exodus 20:8

Jesus frequently caused controversy over the practice of the Sabbath, and his decisions to violate its many rules demonstrated the higher purpose and principles of God's law. There are three key principles about the law that Jesus teaches: 1) the law is an expression of God's character which shapes its meaning and application; 2) God's true desire is for His people to have inner faithfulness and love rather than mechanical rule-following behavior; and 3) God's moral will is for the good of His people. When these three principles are ignored in favor of legalism, people become deceived about God's priorities, and relationships are damaged overall.

Strife Between Brothers

Dennis McCallum
Romans 5:1

There are many different types of conflict that we enter in life, generally God wants us to resolve conflict in a position of humility and doing what's best for the other party. We have been forgiven much by God, so we should be able to forgive most offenses against us. Conflicts can be opportunities to share God's love to a watching world.

Sexual Purity

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul speaks about God's design for sexual purity. The Bible defines sexual immorality as all sexual relations outside heterosexual marriage. Common rationalizations to this truth include: 1) Paul's instruction is personal opinion or cultural, and therefore not authoritative; 2) suppression of sexual desire is unnatural and harmful; 3) sexual relations between consenting partners is not harmful; and 4) sexual purity is unconnected to spiritual vitality. God's provision for restoration in this area includes forgiving our guilt and healing our wounds.\r\n

Five Lessons for the Disciples

Dennis McCallum
Luke 17

Jesus here gives his disciples several lessons. First, he warns about being a stumbling block to others coming to know Christ for which he reserves stricter judgement as the consequences are devastating. Second, Jesus advises them to rebuke a brother when he sins, practicing discipline, but to forgive others as well, unconditionally and in Christ's example. Next, Jesus describes how it is not the amount of faith that is the issue, but instead it is the object of one's faith. And finally, he admonishes the entitlement attitude, as we are instead called to cultivate thanksgiving in our relationships with Christ.

Christian Community (Part 6) - Forgive One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:9-11

The only way to preserve closeness in relationships with sinful people is to forgive as God has forgiven us. If we choose not to forgive others it leads to the crushing consequences of bitterness. Experiencing biblical forgiveness includes being willing to act and looking to Scripture to expose any misconceptions that we hold.