The Great and Small - Forgiveness

Dennis McCallum
Luke 7

Jesus' interaction with a centurion reveals the nature of what makes great faith. The centurion's faith amazed Christ and was characterized by humility, trusting in God's Word, and asking but not demanding from Jesus. Jesus challenged the Pharisees lack of forgiveness, highlighting their misguided spirituality. True spirituality is exemplified by radical love and forgiveness that comes from an understanding of God's love and forgiveness towards unworthy sinners.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:13

In the last of three lessons on love relationships in Romans 13, believers are called to always forgive others when in conflict, sometimes lovingly reprove if necessary, negotiate, and most importantly, leave room for God to act.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 13

Interpersonal conflict is common but destructive. God offers great help as we seek to resolve conflict, which starts with us establishing a relationship with Him. Security from this relationship allows us to start from the constructive stance of considering how we can handle the conflict in a way that brings God glory.

Love Relationships Under God

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:36-40

The concept of love is the summary of the intent of the entire Biblical Law and Prophets. Love is found in personal relationships with others, beginning with God. The key to understanding and experiencing love is to understand and experience God. These theological ideas are explored in the first of three lessons from Romans 13. Includes quotes from "What Americans Believe" by George Barna and "True Spirituality" by Francis Schaeffer.\r\n

The Threat of Legalism

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:1-9

The Philippians were in danger of falling prey to false teaching about God, namely, legalism?essentially teaching that God's acceptance of humans/salvation is based on their works for Him. These false teachers were promoting circumcision as the basis for God's approval. Legalism puts confidence in the flesh to gain God's acceptance. Paul reminded the Philippians of the message of grace that they had previously accepted. They were right with God solely through God's forgiveness by means of Jesus' death; God's grace is not based on human works and is given in spite of sin.

Salvation by Faith Apart From Works

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3

Writing to both Jews and Gentiles in Rome, Paul explains that no one is made righteous by the Law. Rather, one's righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, animal sacrifices were used to atone for sin. Christ's death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice of atonement, where Jesus took upon himself the punishment deserved by all of humanity - separation from God. It is only through this act of sacrifice that anyone can be made right with God.

3 Aspects of New Life in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

The three aspects are: 1) a new motivation, 2) a new way of evaluating people, and 3) a new purpose for life. God wants to give you a new motivation to change that is based out of love. God sent Christ down as an example of His love that His son would live a perfect life, the one we should have lived, and then willingly be persecuted and die on the cross for us. God has offered us a new way where we can evaluate people on their potential in Christ. No matter how messed up you are there is always redemption in Christ who can free us to change into others-centered people Finally, we have been given a ministry of reconciliation. This is to bring people the Good News of Christ's redemption and to help others understand that there is a need for God's forgiveness because of His just nature.

The Mystery of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus use the parable of the workers in the field to illustrate the mystery of God's grace. The parable reveals that anyone who wants to experience God's grace has to come with empty hands, knowing that they can do nothing to earn it. It also illustrates that an attitude of pride and self-righteousness that blocks people from accepting this free gift.\r\n

The Power of Christ Revealed in Action

Dennis McCallum
1 John 1:8-9

There is a spiritual war in our world between God and His angels, and Satan and his demons. Satan and his demons try to deceive and distract the people of this world, but God is the ultimate spiritual authority in the universe and is greater than his opponent. Jesus had the power to forgive sins, and he demonstrated his spiritual authority as God to the watching world.