Abraham, Man Of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 17:18-19

God creates a covenant with the man Abraham. He establishes it as unconditional, meaning Abraham didn't have to do anything on his own power. After trying to take matters into their own hands, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, ultimately learn that faith means answering God's call and waiting on Him. Human effort and quick-fix solutions don't yield the results God intends.

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:15-25

Two more characteristics of humans are described: 1) unity and diversity, and 2) being shameless, uninhibited, and free. These ideas relate to the way people view sex, marriage, peace, and anxiety. Because of the choice to eat from the tree in the garden, the previously healthy versions of these have been distorted. The tree of knowledge of good and evil represented autonomy and self rule, while the tree of life represented union with God, which can be regained in Christ.

Habits of the Heart

Jim Leffel
Psalms 95:8-11

The author of Hebrews offers a commentary on true spirituality; he presents the idea that God reveals Himself and His purpose as he calls on people to respond. In the Old Testament example of ancient Israel in the wilderness, the people hardened their hearts and experienced consequences. There is a call for modern Christians to respond with urgency to the voice of God.

The Implications of Creation

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 1:26-27

The creation presented in Genesis 1 has some implications, including that humans are created in the image of God. This means life has meaning, morality, dignity, freedom, and spirituality. If we believe that humans are meaningful, significant, free, and moral beings, we have to admit that this is incompatible without intelligent design.

Freedom and Slavery

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 1:26-27

A key contrast throughout scripture is freedom and slavery. The Bible stands against human slavery, while focusing on the real freedom God offers to other forms of slavery, including to the law, sin, and other people's judgments of us. God offers us the chance to become slaves to Christ, serving him from gratitude for what he did on the cross. As we live more and more for Christ, we experience increasing freedom from being enslaved to selfish desires and ways of life.

Paul's First Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:19-14:20

Paul and Barnabas travel on their first missionary journey to spread the Good News and perform miracles. In one city the people mistake them for gods and attempt to worship Paul and Barnabas. Paul immediately gives a defense for belief in the Creator God. Through external and internal general revelation God gives testimony of His reality and kindness. A close look at the cell gives evidence for design and a designer. Looking within ourselves reveals there is a desire for significance, moral motions, creativity, and love. There is evidence for belief that we are personal and spiritual beings created by a personal God. Paul and Barnabas suffer for the message of the Good News but continue to travel and preach the Gospel.\r\n

Knowing Christ

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:20

Not only did God pay for our sins on the cross, but he also initiated a personal relationship with each human being. All we have to do is accept God's invitation and our whole eternity is changed. Paul said he counts everything as garbage compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord.

The Effect of Living On

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:21-27

Paul calls believers to be others focused and to strive for unity in the Body of Christ. The world system preaches a message of self interest because they see this life as all we have. As believers who know that there is an afterlife we are called to spend this life serving and loving others which is truly beneficial for us.

Considered Theologically II

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:10

We take a look at the nature of evil and how it is explained through the lens of different worldviews such as naturalism, pantheism, postmodern relativism, and theism. How does what we believe about God coincide with the evil that we see every day in the news? We will specifically focus on the WTC attacks at the end, and see how the lens of other worldviews explains why those who committed the atrocity did so based on their beliefs.