Fallout from the Fall

Scott Risley
Romans 5:19

Adam and Eve had sons named Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and with this Cain committed the first murder. God disciplined Cain for his act of murdering Abel. God also gave us notice that he was going to send His son to save humanity.

In the Image of God

Scott Risley
Genesis 1:26-2:17

Even though the world is fallen, God says humans have still been made in His image. As such, humans are designed: 1) with a spiritual nature; 2) to enjoy work and creative accomplishment; 3) with the power of free will choice; 4) to enjoy rest. Interwoven throughout are many quotes from "Finding Truth" by Nancy Pearcey.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 119:97-100

During a Jewish festival where the identity of Jesus is being questioned, he addresses the nature of true freedom and true slavery. Jesus exposes the misconceptions of what freedom is and exposes that living for sin and self is actually slavery. He reveals that the nature of true freedom is in loving God and others, not living for self. Jesus instructs that it is only through him that people can become truly free and that our freedom increases as we grow with him.

What is the Human Race?

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 1:27-2:20

What does scripture mean when it says humans are made in the image of God? Seven characteristics of humans before the fall are outlined and what each communicates about God, humans, and the afterlife. The first five characteristics are: 1) benevolent leadership; 2) creative accomplishment; 3) free moral agency; 4) relational; and 5) intellectual creativity. The last two characteristics are covered in the next teaching of the series.

More on Origins

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 1:26-27

Young earth creationism is addressed alongside some falsifying data. The evidence from presuppositions points to a personal creator God. Special attention is given to the areas of meaning, morality, human dignity, freedom, and spirituality. If people are meaningful, significant, free, moral beings then a purposeful God created them that way.

The First Mission Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1-28

Paul, with Barnabas in Lystra, heals a lame man, which causes the people to begin to worship them as their gods, Zeus and Hermes. Paul corrects them, stating they are just men, and giving the glory for the miracle to God. He makes a statement about free will in verse 16, and in 17 clearly states that God has made himself known both in His creation evident in nature and within humans.

Jesus Before His Public Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
John 3:16

Summarizes Jesus' birth and childhood. Draws a parallel between Mary's free will in deciding whether to let God put his Son in her - and our free will in deciding whether to let God supernaturally conceive his Son's life in our hearts.

Ethics and Issues of Conscience

Ryan Lowery
Romans 14:1-23

Paul discusses matters of conscience and how believers should relate with one another on these matters. Rather than judging one another or demanding that people change, Christians should set aside anything that would cause someone to stumble in their faith and focus on remaining unified and focused on what God says is important.

Surprising News About the Kingdom of God

Scott Risley
Luke 13:18-34

Jesus uses the analogies of a seed, yeast, and a gate to describe the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not what was expected: 1) It starts in a slow, gradual way; 2) not everyone will get in, and 3) Christ is saddened by our rejection of Him. God longs to gather everyone to Himself and He gives everyone that choice.