Judge Not!

Jim Leffel
Matthew 18:15-16

Judge not so you will not be judged and "take the log out of your own eye". These are some of the most famous verses from Jesus' sermon on the mount that are still referenced today. Are you someone who is always confronting others about how they messed up? The Bible lays out a path to confront a brother or sister, not through self-righteousness, but in love and also how to restore them in grace.

The Healing of the Blind Man

Conrad Hilario
John 9:1-41

Jesus is with his disciples on the Sabbath. They encounter a man who was blind from birth. The disciples' question Jesus on why the man was born blind. Through Jesus' healing of the blind man and the Pharisees response, many theological issues are addressed such as sin, the Sabbath, and humanity's true spiritual condition.

A Mandate for Action

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:1-13

Peter begins his letter to the believers in the Roman provinces encouraging them to take action based on God's free gift of grace, despite enduring persecution and suffering. Believers, who are called according to God's foreknowledge, are able to obey God's calling based on: their new identity, inheritance in heaven, and protection of God's power. Through these privileges, believers are able to rejoice.

Growth, Persecution, and Judgment

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

God has given us the ability to take steps to grow in faith and love. Believers face persecution, which leads to growth. Without belief, people face the prospect of Hell, which is the absence of God.

Freedom and God's Wisdom

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 9:1-23

For Christians, there is freedom within the boundaries of God's moral absolutes, but it is important to consider whether things are beneficial to others. Although Paul had the right to financial support as a church planter, he waived that right so that non-Christians in Corinth would not think he was in it for the money. The wisdom of God tells us that we should be willing to sacrifice freedom if it is going to be a hindrance to others hearing or understanding the gospel. In other words, the "law of love" supersedes the "law of liberty." Paul's motivation to live this way was following Christ's example. We should also remember that Christ gave up his rights for each of us.

Living in the Last Days

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 3:10-11

In the last days, selfish love will increase. Paul describes the kind of depravity that will occur; man will pursue love of self, money, and pleasure. This will result in corruption of self, destruction of relationships, and spiritual depravity. The alternative is a fulfilled life pursuing others and relationships.

Life Without God

Scott Risley
Romans 1:18-21

The existence of God is evident to all of His creation, although we may actively make the decision to ignore Him. Without God, we have no reference point for morality and seek increasing highs to fill the void. Thankfully, accepting Christ breaks this cycle and gives our lives meaning and fulfillment. Our old selves have died and we are new in Christ Jesus.

Wisdom in the Business of Life

Jim Leffel
James 4:13-17

James teaches how to gain wisdom and live by it. The issue he brings up is our attitude in making important non-moral decisions. It's foolish to only consider ones own thoughts and desires which results in anxiety and isolation. Rather than follow our own foolish tendencies we can make the decision to gain wisdom from God in all areas of our life. Through our conscience, biblical values, and considering others, God reveals the best path for our lives. God has a unique will for each believers life. Our lives can make a radical contribution if we're willing to follow Him.\r\n

Partnership of Faith and Works

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:19

James points out that faith without works is dead. We don't work to save ourselves through the law, but rather what we do reflects what we believe.