Jacob and Esau: Having the Right Priorities

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 25:21-34

In the story of Jacob and Esau, Esau is significantly limited in his ability to be used by God due to a seemingly small choice. Saying "no" to God can limit His ability to use us as well. In order to avoid Esau's mistake, we need to learn to prioritize the right things in order to make good spiritual choices.

Man Before the Fall

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 1:26-2:25

Mankind stands out among other creatures both in capacity for good and for evil. The Bible explains this dual picture of man in a compelling way through the creation account. In our original state, we were created to be eternal, united with God, and in harmony with both our environment and with each other. But in order for us to have the capacity for love, we also must have the capacity to choose for either good or evil.


Ryan Lowery
Genesis 2:4-25

The Bible claims to be God's instruction manual for the human experience, so we should expect it to explain how we got here and what our purpose is. The creation account argues that there is a personal and powerful God. It also argues that we are significant to Him and that He created us for noble purposes. But we have squandered many of the good things God created for us and have a need to be redeemed.

Freedom to Identify

Jim Leffel
Matthew 9:35-36

What does it mean to be ?all things to all people?? In this passage, Paul gives his own example of willingly using his freedom to cross cultural divides. Doing so removes any cultural obstacle from those considering a relationship with Christ and creates unexpected, yet sweet relationships based on the Gospel. Testimony by Carolyn Anson.

Freedom, Rights and Calling

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Believers have the supernatural, God-given freedom from being controlled by self-interest, and can instead use their freedom to serve other people. Indeed, the Gospel requires setting aside some of our rights. By doing so, Christians fulfill God's purpose to share and show God's grace to all people, as well as personally experience joyous freedom.

Freedom And Conscience

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 6:12

One aspect of God's purpose in reconciling people to Himself is to create a community to show the world what He is like. One way believers in Christ can show God's love to others is to gain biblical knowledge tempered with discerning love when interacting with other people. Under grace, believers have God-given freedom with a clear conscience, but in this passage are encouraged to use this freedom to love and serve others instead of self.

A Servant's Discipline

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 13:12

Paul says that we are called to train for holiness like an athlete would train - that we would train with an aim or goal in mind. We should discipline ourselves to live a life that shows God's love. This means we need to depend on Him and His truth as we encounter the troubles of life.

A Servant's Character

Jim Leffel
Titus 1:6-9

The apostle Paul outlines for Timothy what it means for elders and leaders in the church to have good character. Paul emphasizes being a good leader of a household; not participating in any character disqualifying sin; being a servant leader; and being able to teach the Bible. Paul also said that it is good to desire leadership as long as you are putting others first.

A Servant's Wisdom in Controversy

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 3:6

The apostle Paul encourages the Ephesian church to have tact and discernment in how they met together. Paul wants the Ephesian women to be lights of God in their culture so he asks them to dress conservatively to fit in. He also wants them to be less vocal because they have fallen prey to false teachers. Outside of this passage, Paul talked about other female leaders that he holds in high esteem.