How to Keep Loving in Difficult Relationships

Bev DeLashmutt
2 Timothy 2:24-26

Christ's call for us to love another as he has loved us is not exclusive. He calls us to love even very difficult people, and to do that effectively, we need to bear several things in mind. First we need to gain insight into the lies and sins of difficult people to avoid getting hooked into their relational patterns. We must ensure our motive in responding to people is in line with Christ's love. And finally, we must implement strategies to effectively give both compassion and discipline simultaneously. With these things and the abundant help of the Spirit, we can love in a way that, even if it does not change the other person, it will change us.

Forgiveness - God's Key to Unlocking Love

John Cleary
Ephesians 4:32

Forgiveness is the most crucial act of love that we can experience in this life. To understand how forgiveness can play out in our life we must understand the problem of unforgiveness, explore the biblical understanding of forgiveness, seek biblical examples of forgiveness, and learn how to extend forgiveness. \r\n

Guard the Truth

Larry Crabb
Ephesians 4:32

The farther we grow with Christ, the more we understand the depths of the Gospel, at the center of which is love. It is a truth that we must guard fiercely. First, we should seek a vision of divine love the way it is practiced among the Trinity. Second, brokenness over failure to love is the opportunity to learn what love and grace are. And third, we should avert our focus from our smaller story to the larger story that God is telling. As we move toward and experience these truths, we come to understand the truth of grace more deeply. \r\n

God's Attitude Toward Those Who Reject Him

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus speaks to an audience of both the lowest of society's low as well as the self-righteous. Jesus addresses the self-righteous lot by telling three parables that each reflect God's character. He teaches how much God loves the humble sinner and the lengths God goes to win that person to Himself; as well as the dangers and consequences of a self-righteous person's attitude toward God.

Lost and Found

Scott Risley
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate God's love for the lost: the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son. In each parable: 1) something of great value has been lost; 2) the owner exerts much effort to find the lost item; 3) there is rejoicing and a party when found. In the parable of the lost son, Jesus illustrates three lessons that can be learned from the older son: 1) maybe you need to realize you are just as lost as the ?sinners?; 2) maybe you need to stop ?slaving? and get to know the Father; and 3) maybe you need to ask your Father for His love for the lost.

The Worst Thing that Could Ever Happen to Us

Scott Risley
Luke 11:37-12:3

Jesus speaks to the Pharisees against hypocrisy. Christians are not hypocrites when they sin. They are hypocrites when they pretend to be spiritual on the outside yet harbor sin in their hearts. Jesus hates hypocrisy because it shifts our focus to the external and ruins peoples' lives. Three negative impacts hypocrites have are: 1) they make following God seem hard; 2) they tell people to try harder vs. personally engaging people and helping them and 3) they isolate people vs. building a safe community. Grace is the only cure for hypocrisy.

A Life Lived with God

Ryan Lowery
John 17:14-21

True worship of God is not about ritual, but sacrificing our whole lives for God in response for what He did for at the cross. As we live our lives more in line with what God's will is, our thinking is able to be transformed and we are able to become more distinct amidst a culture that doesn't care about God's values. This teaching also uses an Ohio State University example to describe what people in our culture worship.

Religion Isn't Enough

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:9-13

Despite self-effort, religious zeal and ritual is not the same as real genuine faith in God and often draws people farther away from Him. To have a personal relationship with God, people must acknowledge their own sinfulness in light of God's perfect nature and in faith ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Once that has happened, Christians have the unique ability to tell others about how to start an authentic relationship with God.

The Mind Set on the Spirit

Ben Foust
Romans 8:4-11

The apostle Paul is stuck in his sin, and realizes that Christ is the only one who can rescue him from his ?body of death.? A mindset on the Spirit and grace brings life, peace, and freedom from sin. A mindset on the law and flesh only serves to promote sin and failure.