Putting On The New Self

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:9-17

The New Testament always reasons from what God made us to be into our experience of that. The new self is characterized by love toward others, thankfulness, and knowledge of the truth.

The Path to Spiritual Maturity (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:1-4

Part one of a two-part series on the path to spiritual maturity. Paul teaches the Colossians how to move toward spiritual maturity by cultivating a proper mental focus. ?Keep seeking the things above? emphasizes the need to keep increasing in our understanding of God's grace. ?Set your mind on the things above? emphasizes the need to keep identifying false thoughts and replacing them with the truth about what God has given us in Christ. We cannot grow to maturity without embracing these truths.

Sufficiency of Christ

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 2:9-23

The sufficiency of Christ meets all of our needs. Ritualism, mysticism, and asceticism are bankrupt alternatives to finding fulfillment in Christ. True change happens when we let God change our hearts rather than on us trying to change our outward behavior. True change is possible through Christ when we put our faith in Him. Even after having a relationship with God through Christ there's a pull to live seeking fulfillment in other things. When this happens we can change our minds and agree with God's way, experiencing Him to empower us.

Avoiding Capture

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Paul is warning and encouraging the Christians in Colossae of the ideas competing for their faith and how to avoid being captured. Four ways to avoid being captured by false ideologies: 1) come to Christ; 2) assess your own vulnerabilities; 3) walk by grace in faith; 4) stay rooted in the Word and community. The love of God changes and motivates our hearts. Evaluate what motivates you to follow God and His ways. Be moved by what His love has done. His love is a safeguard to legalism and worship of self.\r\n

Paul's Vision For Spirituality

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:1-11

Paul's vision for spirituality has to do with increasing faith, hope, and love. God wants to transform our values, mindset, and actions. All of this change is based on God's grace given through the cross.

Four Insights Into the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:1-8

Paul thanks God for the faith of the Colossians, namely that they had received the Gospel (the message that Jesus is the Messiah and through His death we can be forgiven by God). He also rejoices that this Gospel had begun to change their lives by imparting peace with God, hope for eternal life and the ability to love others. The Gospel spreads through people who have been changed by it, so if that describes you, go tell others this great message!

Introduction: Good News!

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:1-8

Paul in his letter to the Colossians focuses on the person of Christ, the work of Christ, and life in Christ. He begins by describing how the good news has to do with grace, transforms people, spreads naturally, and should be urgently considered. Jared Harrop shared his testimony about the way that the good news changed his life after he was led to Christ by the Fulford family.

The Two Foundations

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:24-27

How do you know your foundation? Jesus speaks on the lives of people who build their foundation; either those who live by his words, or those whose foundation is on shifting sands that can't hold up to lifes' turmoil. Are you building your foundation on your possessions or on your status? We can build on a foundation of rock which is based on God's love, truth, and grace. Audio of Bob Dylans' ?A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall?.

Prejudice in God's People?

Ryan Lowery
Acts 9:31-10:48

Though the early church saw growth among the Jews, for years they had ignored Christ's instructions to preach to the Gentiles. God helps Peter to overcome his deep cultural prejudices against Gentiles and lead a Roman Centurion named Cornelius to faith. Four principles are seen in this passage: 1) God goes to amazing lengths to reach all people; 2) all people have prejudices that can be very powerful; 3) God's love and forgiveness is for everyone; and 4) even God's people are imperfect and can be slow to change.