I am the Light

Doug Patch
John 9:1-41

Jesus claims he is the light of the world, i.e., the giver of spiritual life. The blind man and the Pharisee have two different responses to Jesus' claim. The response to the light that has been given determines the effect of the light on our life. The Pharisees response resulted in increased spiritual blindness while the blind man's response resulted in increased spiritual light. The blind man knew he needed Jesus and received his gift of grace.

Being Different

Dennis McCallum
1 John 4:18

Peter urges his audience to love one another deeply from the heart. This love that believers in Christ are able to give out to others is based on what God has given through his Son. Understanding God's self-giving love allows us to be different and not conform to the world's self-serving lifestyle. \r\n

Jesus and the Sabbath

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:1-11

When Jesus violated the Sabbath, the religious leaders were extremely offended. Jesus then explains that Biblical ethics are more about principles rather than strict laws. Christians today need to avoid turning good structures into terrible burdens by remembering the purpose they serve.

God's Power To Heal

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:17-26

Jesus' healing ministry illustrates several aspects of his power to change people. When two people asked Jesus for help, Jesus recognized their faith and gave them immediate, complete, and visible healing. In doing this, he also demonstrated the ability to forgive sins. Jesus is not afraid to engage with our sin, and remains ready and willing to bring healing into anyone's life if they ask.

The Way To Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Luke 3:1-18

John the baptist was a prophesied precursor to Jesus who preached a baptism of repentance, directed attention to Jesus, and pointed the way to salvation. While repentance from sinful habits is good, the most it can do is point towards the need for forgiveness. Present-day followers of Christ should help people to see their wrong thinking about God so that they can accept his grace.

Getting Ready to Hear God

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 17:8-20:3

God prepared Moses to hear from Him. God interacts with Moses by showing there is separation between Himself and people due to sin. Understanding this story through New Testament application, we see that God has always been powerful but He is a God who we are able to be close to because of grace.

Imparting Not Just the Gospel, but Your Life

Ben Stuart
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

The church can experience great joy as God's power moves through us as a community. Paul explains that both truth and love are essential as he models it in his relationship with the Thessolonians. He loves like a nurturing mother and exhorts like a father. Both are essential to have an impact on others. He loves people where they are at but isn't content to leave them there. He lives this way because he understands it's not about him growing his own church but it's about serving God, leading people toward Him; for His glory and their good.\r\n

Neither Do I Condemn You

Jim Leffel
John 8:1-11

Leffel uses Jesus's interaction with the woman caught in adultery to teach on forgiveness, justice through substitutionary atonement, and real transformation from sin issues. He offers freedom from bondage to our anger, sensual habits, ego-elevating activities, and everything else that spirals downwards. While fear can cause external change, God uses His love to give us true transformation from the inside out.

Serving Love and the Body of Christ (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
John 15:4-5

Paul commands Christians to rejoice, pray continually, and to be thankful. Rejoicing is a choice made in faith to remember God's promises, and it often leads to abiding to God's presence through prayer. Lastly, thanksgiving focused on specific events and circumstances leads to spiritual maturity, and these three commands together promote living by faith in God's goodness no matter what the circumstances.