Mephibosheth: A Lesson In God's Grace

James Rochford
2 Samuel 9

The story of Mephibosheth is a lesson in God's grace. God in His grace pursues us even though we have done nothing to deserve His gifts. We deserve death but He gives us everlasting life. His grace blows away our anticipations.

God's Lovingkindness

Conrad Hilario
2 Samuel 9

God's lovingkindness can transform us by inspiring our loyalty, by inspiring grateful trust, and by liberating us from envy. Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth, knew that he deserved nothing good from King David, but David lavished him with blessings because he had made a covenant with Jonathan to take care of Jonathan's family when he became king.

How Salvation Works

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 1:1-14

Ephesians opens up with the message that our salvation through Christ is the basis of our faith and spiritual growth.

Sharing in God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 15:13-16:27

In the closing verses of Paul's letter, we can catch a glimpse of what was going on in the early Church at the time.

Faithful to the Unfaithful

Mike Sullivan
Ezekiel 16:1-63

In this passage, we can see that God is faithful to His people, even if they turn away from Him.

A Call to Maturity

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 5:11-6:20

Paul rebukes the Hebrews for their immaturity in the Lord, and instead calls them to repent and put their trust more fully in Christ. He then assures them that God sees their work and is faithful to them.

Overcome Evil with Good

Ben Foust
Romans 12:14-21

Instead of paying back evil with evil, Paul commands Christians to pay back evil with good so that others may come to know Christ better.

How Paul Engaged with People

Mike Woods
1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

Paul paints a picture of how he interacted with the Thessalonians as an example of what Christian relationships should look like. His message was the Gospel. His motivation was to please God and serve others. His means was to be both nurturing and challenging.

Who You Really Are

1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

It's easy for people to view their mental health diagnoses or traumatic histories as their identity. This session explores biblical identity and its power for lasting change.