Living Water

Jim Leffel
John 4:40-41

Jesus' love drives him to pass through Samaria to interact with a woman at the well. Through their conversation Jesus offers her living water that will quench her thirst so that she will never thirst again. The living water he offers is the offer of eternal life. God is eager to begin a relationship with every person. This relationship begins when a person makes the decision to receive God's gift of forgiveness and spiritual life. This spiritual life gives true fulfillment.\r\n

The Logic of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Deuteronomy 30:3-5

God's grace has three components: faith, hope, and love. This faith is dependent upon God's self-authentication through fulfilled prophecies like the regathering of Israel, and it is also personal in the sense that people choose individually to start a relationship with God. God also extends hope to people through the promise of eternal life in heaven, and this hope provides Christians with joy in this life. Finally, love is the motivation for sharing God's grace with people who do not know Him and serving others in the church. These three components provide a firm foundation for the Christian life and reasons to learn more about Christ for those who are investigating the Christian faith.

Introduction: The Word Made Flesh

Jim Leffel
John 1:1-14

God reveals himself through the person of Jesus. John explains who Jesus is, the life he offers, and what it looks like to believe. As John speaks in a way that is understandable to his audience, he reveals that God is infinite and personal. To become a child of God requires not only believing but also receiving His grace. He meets our deepest needs by offering us life (eternity) and light (truth).

Finishing Well

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:9-18

How will we respond to suffering, rejection, and failure in our walks with God? Will we respond like Demas and give into defeat, listening to our broken pride? Or will we instead find humility in grace like Mark, allowing ourselves to be grown by God's discipline? Paul reveals some of the difficulties of following God, and the choice we have between giving up or fighting the good fight and growing from failure.

Imitating God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:32-5:16

At the core, God is a love-giver. When we have a relationship with Him, we are under grace and can do whatever we want. However, we will only be fulfilled if we imitate God by loving others.

Be Strong in Grace

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Paul exhorts Timothy to abide in the strength that God's grace supplies. How this grace affects identity, others-centered relationships, and the larger local community is explored.

Thank God For His Grace!

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Paul begins his letter to the Corinthian church not by immediately addressing all the serious moral problems in the church but by thanking God for the grace given to believers despite their sinfulness. He reminds them of four aspects of God's grace: permanent 'saint' status, spiritual gifts to effectively represent Christ, eternal security, and open access to Christ at any time. Becoming a Christian is not about our own works but a willingness to accept what God has done for us. Deep moral change occurs as a result of understanding our new identity in Christ rather than by instruction or willpower.

The Mystery Revealed

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-13

The mystery of Christ was revealed on earth and in heaven. It was God's will that all would be saved and called righteous because of what Jesus did on the cross. God created a plan through Jesus as the Suffering Servant and the King Messiah to give all people the opportunity to know Him. Because of God's great love He made himself known and made His grace available to everyone.\r\n

What's Wrong With The Human Race?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul contrasts God's love with the plight of humanity, i.e., physical and spiritual death. He explains the bad news resulting from human depravity and also describes God's solution to it. Because of His love and mercy God intervened by providing His Son Jesus to take on the judgment humanity deserves. It is by His grace that humanity is saved, not by works. After receiving this free gift, God gives His children the opportunity and privilege to do good works by sharing His good news with others.