Deliverance from Envy

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 73:1-28

Envy is all about getting other people to see how great we are or viewing ourselves as greater than other people. Instead of grabbing at what we want from God, God instead, hands us something we don't deserve. This is the grace of God and it is a real joy; it comes with a unique role that God has given us to tell others about how great He is.

What an Amazing God

Jim Leffel
Isaiah 43:4

What is our view of God? What is going on in our relationship with Him? It's easy for us to get distracted and lose focus of how loved and honored we are in God's sight. God has made Himself totally approachable and has done everything and given everything to move towards us who know Him and towards those who don't know Him. \r\n

The Last Shall Be First

Scott Risley
Matthew 20:1-16

This parable where the late workers get paid as much as the early workers often bother people when they first hear it. It offends our self-righteous sense of justice. Our flesh cries out, "That's not fair!" God's grace is very different from what we expect. The more self-righteous we are, the more offensive grace is to us. God's undeserved grace is central to Scripture which clearly depicts the cross as the only way to salvation. The gracious soul discovers "...that blessing has been received from God while we were yet unworthy and undevoted."

The Deep Mysteries of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God through a parable about the laborers. This parable reveals a lot about God's perspective of grace, perhaps the controlling theme of the Bible. Problems often arise when we do not deeply understand God's grace. When Christians deeply understand and live under grace, we understand our lack of worthiness before God, and yet are incredibly grateful that Jesus paid the way for us to have a new standing before Him. Under grace, we are freed up to love and serve others because of the security that comes from being under grace. Grace was revealed through Jesus paying for human sin on the cross so we could have access to this incredibly undeserved relationship with God.

Responding to God's Moral Correction

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 32:1-9

Our natural way to address our sin is to deny its sinfulness in many different ways and to hide from it. But God is calling us to come to Him and address the sin in confession, repentance, and ask for His great compassion to blot out our transgressions. The church is for people who know they are sinners not for those who think they have no sin to confess.

Who Do You Think God Is?

Lee Campbell
Genesis 22:1-18

Sometimes, God will test the faith of His followers in order to both refine and show what they believe about Him. In the binding of Isaac, Abraham goes through extreme testing. This incident foreshadows the work of Christ in a powerful way. Like Abraham, our response to testing is determined by who we think that God is.\r\n

Going Through the Motions

Scott Risley
Matthew 15:1-20

When the Pharisees confronted Jesus about His disciples not washing their hands before eating as their traditions demanded, Jesus turned the tables on the accusers. He instead accused them of putting their outward religious observances over and above God's moral commands. Their external posturing was just going through the motions rather than having a true spirituality based on having been cleansed by a faith-based relationship with God.

Jesus Versus Religion

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 11:16-12:21

Jesus and his disciples break grain during the Sabbath, infuriating the Pharisees. Jesus goes to discuss the difference between the "religious" mentality of the Pharisees versus what God actually cares about. Jesus argues directly with the Pharisees about their hypocritical religious mentality. For the religious, the focus is following all sorts of external regulations to be seen as righteous before people and seeing this as the way to please God. Jesus came to point out that real righteousness comes from humbly recognizing our inability to meet all the regulations of God's law, but instead to admit our brokenness and ask for forgiveness in faith. God desires to show people compassion rather than needing sacrifices from them.

Old Testament Lessons for the New Testament Church

Jim Leffel
Exodus 11:1-12:51

The Bible claims divided loyalties have always been present in the human heart. Paul appeals to the Old Testament account of the Israelite's Exodus from Egypt to point the New Testament Church away from idols and back to Christ.