The Power of Gratitude

Ben Foust
Psalms 40:1-17

This psalm emphasizes the importance of gratitude to God, even under difficult circumstances. 

Enjoying God's Peace

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 10:1-13

It is very simple, if you want to experience and enjoy God's peace, honor Him and be grateful!

John the Baptist's Greatest Quality

James Rochford
John 1:19-37

Some people think humility is being weak, shy, timid or putting yourself down but that is not biblical humility. By studying John the Baptist we can answer these three questions about humility. What is humility? Why would we want humility? How do we learn humility?

Lazarus and What's His Name?

Patrice McCormac
Luke 16:19-31

Although being wealthy is not a sin, it can blind us to the things of God. God gives each of us a measure of wealth, whether a little or a lot, with the intent that we use it to bring Him glory. God has a great concern for the poor. We can use our wealth on our selves as the rich man did or we can use it to serve the poor and bring glory to God.

Three Responses to God's Goodness

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Regardless of our circumstances, we are called to have three responses to God's goodness. First, we are challenged to rejoice always in Christ no matter how good or bad are the circumstances. It is a choice we make to see God at work in the midst of our circumstances. Second, we are to pray without ceasing. We are to have an ongoing conversation with God throughout the day. Third, we must give thanks in everything, but not for everything. We have only to look at the cross to see our source of thankfulness.

Biblical Leadership and Followership

Mike Woods
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

Leaders of the people God has entrusted to them, are called to lead with accountability, stewardship, hard work, and true service, admonishing and instructing from the Word of God. As followers, we are called to appreciate, esteem, support and cooperate with our leaders out of gratitude for their sacrifice.

How Paul Engaged with People

Mike Woods
1 Thessalonians 2:1-13

Paul paints a picture of how he interacted with the Thessalonians as an example of what Christian relationships should look like. His message was the Gospel. His motivation was to please God and serve others. His means was to be both nurturing and challenging.

Living Sacrifices

Ben Foust
Romans 12:1-2

As one of his first calls to action in the book of Romans, Paul urges us to worship the Lord. When we worship the Lord with our lives and are close to Him, we are slowly transformed to be like Christ.

What Is It About this Church?

Patrice McCormac
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Paul writes to the Thessalonians to express his gratitude for their radical lifestyle for Christ and their decisive response to the Gospel. He thanks God for their work of faith, their labor of love and their steadfastness of hope. He recognizes God was at work in their community and He came in power and in the Holy Spirit. He rejoices that the word of the Lord sounded forth because they received the Gospel with joy and gave it away wherever they went.