Serving Love in the Body of Christ (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-24

After reviewing verses 11-15, we uncover more imperatives for a faith-centered community (verses 16-24). In a faith-centered community, believers learn to practice the following: 1) rejoice always; 2) pray continually; 3) exercise gratitude; 4) learn to discern prophetic messages from the Lord; and 5) continue to show God's grace.

Gratitude and Spirituality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to always rejoice and give thanks. Gratitude in the Christian life is both an indicator of spiritual health and a medicine that promotes spiritual growth, allowing us to experience peace, recognize God's love, and positively impact others. We can cultivate a grateful attitude by prioritizing thanksgiving in our prayer life and asking God to sensitize us to our internal complaining, amongst other things.

Five Lessons for the Disciples

Dennis McCallum
Luke 17

Jesus here gives his disciples several lessons. First, he warns about being a stumbling block to others coming to know Christ for which he reserves stricter judgement as the consequences are devastating. Second, Jesus advises them to rebuke a brother when he sins, practicing discipline, but to forgive others as well, unconditionally and in Christ's example. Next, Jesus describes how it is not the amount of faith that is the issue, but instead it is the object of one's faith. And finally, he admonishes the entitlement attitude, as we are instead called to cultivate thanksgiving in our relationships with Christ.


Dennis McCallum
Luke 11

Communicating with God through prayer is a relational, subordinate, and dependent process that Jesus modeled. Within times of prayer, we should recognize and praise God for who He is. From there, God is able to help us intercede for others, remind us of His mission for us and even help protect us from temptation in spiritual warfare. Christians who have effective prayer lives have learned the relational communication needed between God and themselves.

The Dilemma of Doubt (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Philippians 4:4-7

Doubt is a universal human problem; however, there is a difference between intellectual doubt (questions we can pursue answers to) and problems of the heart. What does doubt reveal about our hearts? For a majority of people it reveals anxiety. Anxiety and doubt go hand in hand. Topics discussed include: 1) what is anxiety; 2) what makes us anxious; and 3) how to deal with anxiety.

Right and Wrong Boasting

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 64:6

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians to instruct them on right and wrong boasting. There are some things about which God says boasting is forbidden. But there are other things about which it is good and important to boast. It's okay to boast as long as you "boast in the Lord". Have you forsaken all boasting in your own works, and personally put your trust only in Christ's work for you?