Humility and Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:3-13

The Word of God calls Christians to pursue humility and unity in the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, our fallen natures will always be attracted to to pride and repelled by humility. Therefore, we need divine resources for this heart-transformation. Jesus' example inspires us with gratitude and vision to follow His example. God's Spirit is constantly at work in us to enable us to grow in humility and love.

David and Mephibosheth

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Samuel 19

King Davis'd loyalty to his friend Jonathan can be seen in how graciously he treated Jonathan's crippled son, Mephibosheth. Instead of slaughtering every surviving members of Saul's family, David chose to extend unbounding kindness to Saul's grandson by inviting him to dine at the king's table every night and gave him all of Saul's land and property. God's kindness toward us is far greater than David's. It is a totally unmerited gift. The only condition is that we humbly entrust ourselves to God and Jesus.

Paul's Prayer of Thanks for God's Work in Them

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:1-8

Paul opens Philippians with prayers of thanksgiving for their faithful financial support of Paul's personal ministry. He calls them full ministry partners, even though they were unable to do anything other than give their money for the work Paul was doing over five hundred miles away. We, too, can be full partners in ministry even if physically we are no longer able to "do the work" of ministry by faithfully giving our money to the cause.

Teaching Our Kids to Be Givers Not Takers

Gloria McCallum
Acts 20:35

Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. As parents, we don't have to teach our kids to be selfish or entitled. They are born knowing how to be self-centered. We are bombarded by the culture with messages of being a good parent means being child-centered. But research confirms what Jesus told us. We really are happier when we give sacrificially to others.

The Hidden Cost of Materialism

James Rochford
1 Timothy 6:3-19

Materialism is deceiving because it promises happiness but delivers depression. It promises fulfillment but leaves you feeling empty. Studies show again and again that attaining the one's highest material goals never satisfies. The Bible has a solution. God instructs those who want to be rich to invest in eternal things. Develop critical thinking skills to combat the lies of this world, practice gratitude for what you do have, think about your end of life and what you want to leave behind, and become a generous giver.

Avoiding Avarice

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 6:6-19

In this world, we are flooded with the message that material things will bring happiness. The Bible strongly refutes this belief. True happiness is found in pursuing an eternal value system. Without God's perspective on material things, we cannot fully enjoy the things we do obtain. One of the best ways to avoid the trap of materialism is to be a generous giver.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Cultivating Love Toward God

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:15-17

Developing spiritual maturity starts with cultivating a mental focus on the treasure of God's great love for us. Spiritual maturity proceeds by embracing a lifestyle of giving God's love to others as well as to God. Cultivating thankfulness toward God is important because, for one, it is the only sane response to God's grace.

Counter Cultural Community in the Age of Rage

Ed Stetzer
Colossians 3:12-17

In an increasingly angry and hostile world, Christians can have the opportunity to shine brightly in contrast. Maturity of faith is evidenced by how you love others. Colossians 3 gives a road map to loving others well: Look like Christ, forebear and forgive, lead with love and be thankful.

God's Ambassadors

Lee Campbell
2 Corinthians 5:17-6:10

The Bible describes Christians as being God's ambassadors, devoted to God's mission and representing Him to those who don't yet know Him. If we're in tune with the wonderful gift we possess as His children, and grateful for it, we will naturally seek to tell others about the opportunity to receive Christ. We will be most effective at sharing Christ when we cultivate sincere, caring relationships with others, when we cultivate our character, and when we focus on God's love for us, and not the other person's response to this message.