Taking Refuge in God

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 3

In Psalm 3 David takes refuge in God by pouring out his troubles to God in a raw, unvarnished, child-like way, affirming to Him what he knows about Him that counteracts his current adversity and finally, making his request for God to work through this adversity somehow to benefit him and others.

God Speaks

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 19

Psalm 19 describes how all of creation declares the glory of God. He has revealed Himself through general revelation in the world he has created, not just earth but all of creation and the heavens above. He has also shown Himself through the words He has spoken, the Bible. In His Word there is both warning and great reward.

Mind Over Mood

James Rochford
Philippians 4:4-9

Paul contends that we can experience joy even in the midst of suffering. We do this by presenting all our anxious thoughts to God in prayer with thanksgiving. Gratitude affects our prayers by helping us appreciate the goodness of God, makes us bolder and heals our emotional life. By focusing on positive truths, we are not denying the negatives in the world but we are countering our innate negative bias. But, prayer with gratitude is only effective if one actually puts it into practice.

How to Become Spiritually Stable

Chris Hearty
Philippians 4:1-9

\r\nPaul describes to the Philippians how to stand firm in the Lord. Experiencing the peace of God is one way of knowing that you are in the will of God. He lists seven ways we can become spiritually stable. Have unity and humility in relationships. Cultivate a heart of joy. Become a person that is easy to please. Live with expectancy that Jesus is returning soon. Replace anxiety with prayer. Think about the positive things listed in verse 8. The facts in our heads should become truth in our hearts and lead to action in our lives.

God's Peace

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 4:4-7

Everyone wants to be happy, yet it is so elusive. True happiness is connected to having peace with God. When we ask for and receive forgiveness from God, we have peace with Him. This peace isn't something we are to strive for but it is freely given to us by God. Paul calls us to be anxious about nothing. Prayer with thanksgiving expresses our trust in God and assumes a posture of humility. Gratitude is not the result of peace but the cause of peace. It reminds us who really is in charge.

Paul's Greatest Secret

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:10-20

Paul's greatest secret was having learned to be content in all circumstances. He didn't learn this secret in one momentous moment but it came to him over time, bit by bit. God had to stress his faith in order to make it grow. Growth comes in the areas of life when no one is watching. Your little steps of faith grow over time and you learn to to trust God with the bigger things. When we learn to trust God with our money and start giving it away as a "sweet-smelling offering" God will reimburse us. Just as the Philippians had no idea their simple monetary gift resulted in untold number of people benefitting from the prison epistles Paul wrote, we have no idea how our giving freely may be used by God to bless people we have never met.

Joy in Contentment

Jim Leffel
Philippians 4:10-17

Contentment is not dependent upon favorable circumstances but is a spiritual capacity to have inner wealth or fulness regardless of your physical state. People who choose to be grateful have learned the secret to contented joy. Grateful people know that all we have are God's gracious blessings. Grateful people have learned to find their purpose in life by following God and stepping out in faith. They seek the good of others. They know satisfying relationships are mutual.

Final Calls

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:1-7

As Paul begins to wrap up his letter to the Philippians, he gives a final call to live in harmony in the Lord and to rejoice always in the Lord. He exhorts them to pray with thanksgiving to God who guards their hearts and minds with a peace that is beyond comprehension. Like the Philippians, we have a choice between trying to generate peace by our own efforts or we can accept the immeasurable peace God offers.

The Fear of the Lord

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 33-34

Most Christians know the fear of the Lord is not being afraid of God, but few know what it is. The fear of the Lord is to stand in awe of God's greatness and express your awe by praising Him. It is waiting on and hoping in God's lovingkindness. It is following and obeying His moral instructions. In other words, fear of the Lord is to be humble before God.