
Scott Risley
Romans 8:9

Whenever believers in Christ go out into the world preaching the Gospel they will be met with opposition. Pauls' time in Ephesus was met with opposition in such a way and our lives should be no different. We learn about the reality of spiritual warfare and why we must be united in the Holy Spirit and ready with our defense from Scripture.

Short Sayings of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 5:18-21

During the Feast of Booths, a festival to connect God's past provision of water and future provision of the Messiah, Jesus claims to be the Messiah and that he can quench our spiritual thirst with the Holy Spirit. We can drink the "living water" of Jesus in 2 ways: 1) entrust ourselves to Jesus; 2) be continually filled by the Holy Spirit.

The Second Journey - Part 1: To Philippi

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:11-13

Paul makes his journey to Philippi with his fellow worker, Silas. They are met with hostility and beaten by city officials after cleansing a girl of a spirit. God uses their reactions to this and their suffering to advance the Gospel in Philippi. Steps the Holy Spirit is calling on believers to take for the advancement of the Gospel are discussed.

The Second Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-16:11

During Paul's second missionary journey, the following principles are highlighted: 1) ministry is the most important activity in the world, and 2) ministry should be: immediate; contextualized; disciple-based; and led by the Holy Spirit.

From Antioch to Antioch

Scott Risley
Acts 11:19-13:38

As a result of persecution, many believers in Christ are scattered outside Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit leads Barnabas to seek out the apostle Paul and bring him to Antioch. Early missionary work begins. God works through Paul to preach the Gospel in Antioch of Pisidia.

How Peter Knew That Acts 10 Was God's Will

Scott Risley
Acts 11:1-18

Peter's response to God's will in the moment when it comes to baptizing new believers in Christ. How can we find-out from God what His will is in our own lives?

The Spirit Spills Out to the Gentiles

Conrad Hilario
Acts 10:1-48

Traditions of prejudice and going beyond what is written in scripture, end up being unnecessary barriers to God's love.

God and Grace

James Rochford
Acts 9:1-27

The conversion of Saul to Paul is one of the clearest pictures of God's radical grace. After his conversion we see another picture of what it looks like to serve God under grace. Because of God's grace, this man went from seeking to imprison followers of Jesus to being one of Jesus' biggest influencers. Paul's life shows that God's grace is for anyone willing to accept it.

Stephen's Defense

James Rochford
Acts 6:7-7:58

Stephen, the first martyr, is brought before the Sanhedrin to give his defense. He uses Abraham, Joseph, and Moses as examples to explain that God is at work outside of "Holy places, spaces and races". Putting God in a box results in 1) a diminished view of God; 2) hypocrisy; 3) distraction and confusion; and 4) idols which replace and confine God.